The music seemed louder to him in this form, attacking his eardrums until he lost focus and stopped in the very middle, confused as to where he was and worried of what might happen if someone noticed the wild animal at large.

This place for naughty fun became yet another space where he might end up hurt. Sure, he could bite someone’s dick off in self-defence but what good would that do if that someone bashed his skull in?

Radek found himself in an empty corner, as far away from people as possible and kept his eyes peeled for danger while trying to slow down his breathing. No matter how scary it would be to transform into a human again and end up here completely naked, it was preferable to being captured in the skin of a fox and presumed rabid.

The high volume of the music bashed the insides of his ears and resonated in his skull, but the darkness would keep him safe until he managed to shift back, so he curled up, shocked and afraid of how this night might end for him while the men gathered in the dark room went about their lives, not knowing that something out of the ordinary had happened just beyond their reach.

The air was dense with the scent of sweat, latex, lube, and cum, with many kinds of cologne mixed in, so he didn’t pick up on the familiar aroma at first, but when he felt the floor tremble under him as steady footsteps approached, his little heart leapt, and he looked up in time to see Yev emerge from behind the bend of the corridor, shaking someone’s hand off his shoulder.

He made a few whines to draw Yev’s attention, and got to his feet, so happy he would have jumped straight into his arms if he wasn’t so afraid. He hated being needy, being so dependent on someone else’s help, yet when his salvation came in the form of Yev, he couldn’t contain little cries of joy.

Yev’s arms had never felt better than in that strange moment when they closed around him in the dark room, among people who were in the middle of sex, unaware of what had happened nearby. “Shh, it’s okay. Let’s go home,” Yev said, tucking Radek under one side of his open hoodie.

Radek whimpered, trying to communicate that he was sorry, that he’d tried to control the shift, but he didn’t have words, only sounds. As soon as he rested against Yev’s body and smelled him, the sense of calm was so overwhelming, his fur began pushing back in, and he grew.

He mewled in panic.


Not now.

He’d be naked!

But his muscles wouldn’t listen, and expanded within seconds, until Yev stumbled, surprised by his weight and rested Radek’s bare flesh against the smooth wall about three steps away from where two dudes were in the middle of some anal fun.

Radek’s eyes met Yev’s, and he thoughtlessly crossed his ankles behind Yev’s back. He could sense sparks of arousal dancing on his mouth, but then someone entered the space, and the music went dead, leaving the echo of the noise upstairs.

“I’m sorry but we must evacuate the club. There might be a dangerous animal on the premises,” the security guard said. “Pants up, please!”

The couple close by sped up their fervent rutting to finish, but Radek hugged Yev tighter, shivering when he realized what awaited him now. “I don’t have any pants,” he whimpered.

Yev pressed their foreheads together as he lowered Radek to the floor, swiftly removing his hoodie and offering it to him without a word. Others were finishing their sexcapades and dressing frantically, but Radek felt like he was in a bubble of sweet, sweet care only Yev could offer him.

“Thank you,” he whispered and gave Yev a quick kiss.

The hoodie was big enough on him to cover his ass and dick, even if it couldn’t hide the fact that he was naked under it. Without prompting, Yev zipped the garment, and only after a silent exchange of glances did they walk toward the exit. Radek dreaded coming out into the light like this, but he at least had the disgusting stickiness of the floor under his feet to distract him.

“I’m sorry. I thought I had it under control,” he muttered as they joined the other dark room visitors in the march of shame.

“What happened? What was the trigger?” Yev asked, his gaze searching.

Radek swallowed. Thinking of breaking up with you.

“I don’t know.”

Chapter 18 – Radek

Radek groaned and banged his forehead against the old wooden door.

“Sorry, it’s just a bit annoying to open,” he grumbled, trying again and this time attempting to pull on the door handle with his teeth while turning the key. The process was only difficult because Radek no longer had both hands. Life kept reminding him that he was no longer like most people. And it sucked.