“So when’s the divorce, right?” Jan asked with a snort, but nobody else laughed, struck into stupor as if only Radek’s missing arm kept them from calling him out on the bullshit.

“It’s not coming,” Yev said, as if he’d finally caught up on the joke. “I made a house husband out of him.”

Daniel rolled his eyes and tapped his long nails together. “Wish you all the best, man, but Radek isn’t house-anything. The sooner you know, and all that. He isn’t even house-trained, he once peed out of my window.”

Jan squinted at Radek. Taking into account that fact that they’d never been exclusive, he was being unreasonably upset. “I bet none of this is true. If you need to know something about Radek, Yev, is that he’s a liar. He loves to make shit up and watch people deal with the fallout.”

Iga slapped his arm. “Jan!”

“What? It’s true! He probably lost his arm setting off fireworks on someone’s porch. It's what he does!”

Radek’s tongue itched for a snappy comeback, but it suddenly hit him that Jan wasn’t lying. Yes, Radek was spinning tales, but he did it to avoid talking about the reality of losing his arm, or how upset he really was about it. The whole marriage story was there to detract attention from the trauma he’d been through and to avoid questions he didn’t want to answer.

But Yev was there, ready to protect him from werewolves and humans alike. “Would you get off his case? Yes, it was an animal attack, and yes, I’m here with him, and if that’s an issue, go get yourself a drink,” he said curtly, as if he hadn’t been intimidated by all the strangers in the first place. Then again, why would he have been? None of them could have taken him on, even if Radek and Yev were the only ones to know it.

‘We’re very loyal creatures’, Radek remembered Yev saying.

He melted a little when he realized that Yev went with the lies for his sake, despite not approving of the charade. That truly was loyalty.

“Yeah, I think I need one,” Jan grumbled and walked off to the bar, showing everyone the intricate tattoo at the back of his neck, but at least the tension at the table eased when he left.

Daniel rolled his eyes. “He’s jealous as fuck. But don’t worry, he’ll get over it.”

Radek pulled Yev’s hand to his face and kissed the scarred knuckle before rubbing his lips against the hair growing at the back of Yev’s hand. “He’ll have to.”

Iga cleared her throat. “I’m gonna have to steal your husband for a bit, Yev.”

For the first time since they’d sat down, Radek glanced Yev’s way and met the warm steel of his eyes. The gaze was asking him a question. Was this fine? Did Radek want to go or did he want Yev to intervene somehow?

Some people might have called this level of protectiveness toxic, but Yev wasn’t a normal guy, and there was care at the root of those unspoken worries. Radek gave the tiniest nod, but he felt like he could have communicated with Yev through brain waves alone.

“I won’t be long,” he said, sliding out of the booth. “What drink do you want?”

“Lager,” Yev told him and wouldn’t let Radek leave without a final squeeze of his hand. It meant that he’d be waiting, and that Radek could always call him if he needed help or felt threatened by his best friend. Which was ridiculous. But also endearing. It made Radek feel less alone in the mess that was his life now.

Iga led the way to the large bar with a counter stylized to resemble marble. It was only once they were far from their table that she gave Radek a concerned look that made his stomach shrink. He didn’t want anyone’s pity.

“Radek… I’m so sorry about your arm. Sorry about all the upset texts I sent you. I was really worried when you stopped responding, but I see now that you’ve had other shit to deal with.”

“It’s… not ideal,” he said, glancing at the stump he was slowly getting used to, even though the witch’s magic had healed him in record time. How would he carry two drinks back to the table? Everything was that bit more inconvenient now. He’d have to ask for a tray, and strangers stared at him when they noticed.

Iga swallowed, waiting in the line, not in a hurry to actually purchase the alcohol. “But you didn’t actually marry that guy, right? It’s been what? Two months?”

Radek sighed. Of course she was too smart to buy this. “No, but we’re seeing each other. I just didn’t want people to ask me questions about the amputation. I’m gonna hear enough of them all my life.”

Iga chewed on her lip before pulling him into a hug. “I’m so sorry. But are you sure you’re okay? He’s kinda possessive. Jan didn’t say anything offensive, and your ranger's like a guard dog.”