Yev shook his head but stopped at the crossroads, angry that he was still confused with the labyrinthine of paths in the woods he was taking care of, but it had only been six months since he moved here. “You’re local? Prove it. Which way is the police station in Polana?”

Radek glared at him with eyes like two copper coins, but eventually spoke. “We missed the turn, so we need to go this way for a few miles, and turn right. From there, we’ll be on an asphalt road, and there will be signs. You know you don’t really wanna do this.” He gave Yev a sneaky grin and rattled the cuffs. “Or is this your thing?”



He’d fuck this boy so good. So long and hard. And more than once. He’d take him to the forester’s lodge and tie him to the bed, so his plump, freckled meat could be ravished all night long. Yev’s hunger had always been insatiable, and he’d been denying himself for months.

“How come I’ve never met you?” Yev asked, trying to distract himself from the lusty thoughts by focusing on the directions he’d just been given. He’d taken over as the forest ranger this past summer, so there were still things that weren’t as obvious to him as they might have been to a local. There was a fair chance Radek was telling the truth and they simply hadn’t bumped into each other during Yev’s rare visits to the village.

Radek used both his hands to push back some hair. “I spend most of my time in Cracow. Dybukowo isn’t exactly a thriving metropolis. I bet you get lonely here…”

Could he say one sentence without trying to pull Yev between his legs?

“We’re not going to have sex, and you better stop acting like this or it might end badly for you one day,” Yev said as he finally reached the end of the narrow track meant for the forest services and pulled onto the asphalt road Radek had mentioned.

The boy flopped back in his seat with a groan, moving his small, pretty nose, as if he were sniffing the nearby human settlement. “Can’t you just let me off the hook with a slap on the wrist? Or butt? For Christmas’s sake.”

“I don’t celebrate Christmas.”

“Oh. You’re Orthodox? Gimme a break, your Christmas is in what… two weeks? Show some pre-holiday mercy then!”

Yev scowled. “What? No. I’m—” There was only one god Yev answered to, but that was none of Radek’s business, no matter how pretty he was. “I’m not religious. And I’m not letting you off the hook.”

He sure as hell hoped Radek wouldn’t be stupid enough to mention the weed at the station, but if push came to shove he and Burian could empty the shed later tonight, so it wasn’t an issue.

“So you are seriously taking me to the police? Even though I was acting in self-defence, accosted by a naked man in the middle of the forest!” The boy raised his chin and his turned-up nose pointed ever higher. Yev was an idiot to find him cute. Or just extremely thirsty.

But that neck… long, and graceful like a birch tree. Oh, how he’d love to sink his teeth into it and squeeze until Radek flinched, holding on to Yev as he moaned his pain and pleasure.

“Nobody accosted you. You were drunk,” Yev lied, eager to have this over with. He switched on the long-beam headlights when the snowfall got a bit denser, and sped up through the peaceful woods.

Radek squinted at him with a knowing smile. “Is it possible that this is actually a dream?”

“You’ll find out once you wake up.”

Yev wanted this drive to be over, because the torture of sharing the car with this young piece of willing meat was way worse than having to endure Burian’s biting comments all night and day.

When they finally reached Polana, just out of the Dybukowo valley, the little town was deserted, with not a single lamp in sight other than the one glinting from behind shutters inside the police station.

The cold bit Yev’s cheeks after he’d endured endless minutes in the steamed-up cab, but he ignored it and pulled Radek out of the vehicle.

At least now Radek was beginning to look nervous. His face fell, his shoulders tensed, and the lush hair tickling his nipples seemed flat rather than lush. “You’re not seriously doing this. I’m not even drunk anymore.”


“Come on. Rules are rules,” Yev said and pushed him forward.

“No! I’m not going in!” Radek made a U-turn toward the car. “Fun time’s over. I’m sober. Take me home.”

Yev shook his head and followed Radek, who stopped in front of the truck, his hands still cuffed, chest exposed like the priciest piece of meat at the butcher’s. Yev didn’t bother asking nicely this time and hauled the contrarian thing over his shoulder. Radek was light, but there was definition to his muscles when Yev allowed himself a bit of a feel on the way back to the station.