“I’m a co-owner. This other guy, Mr. Golonko, owns the other half of the business. I’m not… stupid, okay? I’m just not experienced with any of this business stuff.” He did smile when Yev handed him a spoon.

Yev snorted and pulled the other chair closer, so his knees touched Radek’s, and grabbed an apple from the bowl in the middle of the table. “Ember was a smart fox. I’m sure Radek is a human who can work things out.”

The orgasmic expression on Radek’s face when he had a heaped spoonful of the dessert brought memories of last night. “Can we have more sex before we go?”

Yev leaned back, his ego burning bright. “We can always have more sex, Radek. Always.”

Chapter 14 – Radek

The clouds hung low over the valley as Yev’s truck left the woodland behind and drove through the fields of snow, past the church, and into the village. Yev tried to humor Radek at first, but the prospect of showing himself to Mom, of enduring her questions about the stump kept Radek on edge throughout the journey there.

“Are you sure she won’t tell me to leave?” Yev asked as he stopped in front of the closed gate.

In comparison to the house Yev lived in, Radek’s really did seem like a palace. “Why would she? It’s my home too, and I’ve had friends over lots of times.” In truth, he kind of wanted someone else to be around when he broke the news, because Mom bit her tongue more in the company of strangers. Too bad Mrs. Irena no longer counted as such.

Radek gave Yev the access code, and the gate soon opened, letting them in. The snow had been removed from the driveway, so they arrived at the doors within moments. Yev’s silence made Radek weirdly self-conscious.

“Oh. You’re thinking of the spat you had with her at the store? She’s harmless, really. All bark.” Radek stroked Yev’s hand on the gearstick because soon they’d have to observe the six inches apart rule to not look too cozy with each other.

Yev flinched and took his hand away when the door opened, and Mrs. Irena’s head popped out. She seemed tense, likely worried a stranger had entered the property without authorization, but Radek opened the door and waved at her.

“Hello! I’m back!”

She stared at him, stunned. “Oh, Radek… You’ve done it this time. Your mom won’t be happy, I can tell you that.”

“I know, I know, I’ve had an accident, actually. I know I should have called, but I was too out of it for a while. Do you know Yevhen?” He pointed to Yev but forgot he no longer had a right hand, so the sleeve just flopped his way.

The housekeeper didn’t seem to have noticed, because her surprise expressed sadness rather than shock. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Your mom is having her afternoon cake now. Do you want me to make you something to drink?” she asked, opening the door wide when Yev slid out of the car.

“Yev? You want something? I’ll have some tea please, Mrs. Irena.” Radek took the lead, determined to get this whole ordeal over with so that he could pick up some of his clothes. Because he was most definitely not staying here any longer than necessary. “Moooom?” he yelled into the vast corridor.

He wasn’t sure what Yev said to the housekeeper, because his head was pulsing, but Mrs Irena cleared her throat. “In the yellow room.”

“Where’s that?” Yev asked, removing his boots before he stepped onto the shiny floor in just his socks.

Radek snorted. “You don’t have to take your shoes off. Just follow me.”

“Radek?” Mom’s voice was faint but easy to recognize. “Stop making so much racket!”

Yev stared at the damp spots left by Radek’s shoes. “You’re kidding, right?” He looked over his shoulder, but Mrs. Irena was already gone. “Who do you think is gonna clean this?”

Radek stilled, unsure what the question was about. “The cleaner. It’s really easy thanks to the tiles.”

Yev’s brows moved up, and his forehead wrinkled. “Or you take those off so she doesn’t have to do it for no reason. It’s a big house to take care of.”

Radek rolled his eyes but scooted down to undo the boots. “You know you’ll be tying them again, right?”

Yev smirked, his unshaven cheeks dipping. “It’ll be an honor, Ember.”

Radek bit his lip, unable to shed memories of the little jerk-off session they’d had right before leaving home. He slipped the boots off and winked at Yev. “I just imagined you putting shoes on a fox.”

“Radek, come over here at once!” Mom yelled louder.

“I’m coming!” he engaged in their usual screaming match.

Yev sighed but didn’t otherwise comment, looking around the huge living room in silence.

Radek huffed and dashed across the open space, toward the little room with a view on the garden, where his mom liked to read.