Yev seemed to have relaxed too, now that he had his prey pinned down, and slid his arms around Radek, burying his face in his hair. He slammed his dick all the way in each time, sending ripples of excitement up Radek’s back.

Each thrust was sharp, firm, as if fucking only counted when it was thorough, but his mouth let go of Radek’s nape and trailed to his shoulder. Anticipation shot to Radek’s head, culminating in a yelp when the teeth sank into flesh again, cutting into skin and filling the air with the coppery aroma of blood.

But while his initial reaction had been impossible to suppress, Radek submitted to the bite, shell-shocked over how much he loved the burn of Yev’s teeth. He’d always enjoyed sex on the rough side, but this was something else entirely. There was no safe word, because this wasn’t a game. The beast on top of him caught its prey—him—and would consume him until he was sated. Just thinking about it this way had Radek's cock dripping pre-cum.

The biting hurt, of course it did, but it was a new kind of pain that made Radek’s heart pound as if he’d snorted coke, and the earlier pain in his ass had transformed into a throbbing heat he welcomed. He was open to this invasion, and would give himself up to Yev for as long as his new lover needed to sate his lust.

Catching his breath, Radek realized he no longer retained any control of the situation. The forceful thrusts made him rise to his toes on the one foot still placed on the floor, only a toy for the hot beast on top of him.

Yev’s dense body hair tickled Radek’s skin wherever they touched, teasing him until the air carried sparks, which burst when they came in contact with flesh. He had no fucking idea how long it had been, but by the time an odd bump on the invading cock pushed its way inside, taking Radek out of the ferocious rhythm Yev had established, his ass was somehow both hypersensitive and numb.

“Fuck! It’s too thick!” Radek tried to shift away, but there was nowhere to go, and he had no energy left in his body. Scatterbrained with desire, he didn’t understand what this was. That cock had been thickest at the head so far. What the—?

A low growl made him stay put, but his eyes still watered from the intensity of the fuck. Every scent was more intense now. Yev's sweat mixed with his, the blood, the wood polish, even the milk he hadn’t finished. Radek shivered, whimpering time and time again, an animal rather than a human.

The bump on Yev’s cock kept pulling through his tight hole—in and out, ever faster—until the discomfort the force behind it caused became hard to ignore. Radek stopped breathing when the tight ball at the base hit his ass, but just as he thought Yev couldn’t possibly fit it in, the big hands took hold of Radek, and with a firm thrust, Yev somehow forced the thing through the sphincter, lodging the cock inside.

Radek let out a panicked whine, unsure what was happening, but Yev kept sawing at him, his dick continuously teasing Radek’s prostate, even though they were now locked, and the thrusts—less rapid.

No one had ever fucked him this way, demanding submission and staking their claim on his flesh. So it hurt. But it also excited him like no sex ever had and despite the tears streaking down Radek’s face from the sheer intensity of it, he’d never felt more desired.

All he needed was a few more rubs against his prostate to—

Yev grunted against his ear, letting out hot breath as he stilled, jerking his hips ever-so-slightly as he came, filling Radek’s insides with spunk. His brain was poaching in its own juices, but as Yev took hold of his dick, he didn’t have to tire out his wrist, because Radek came harder than he had in his entire life, his ass throbbing around the girth of Yev’s dick.

A deep shiver ran up and down his body, and once he was done, he rested on the counter, drained of energy and with the huge cock still stuck up his ass and not softening at all.

Yev’s breathing evened out, becoming deeper, and the firm hold around Radek’s body loosened as the big palms stroked his overheated flesh. Radek was so shocked by what had happened he didn’t dare utter a word, so Yev broke the silence first.

“Are you okay?”

“I… I think so,” Radek whispered, aware of his own body like never before. Of the blood trickling down his shoulder, of the hot tears on his face, and of the throbbing cock still stretching his ass.

The air started moving faster against his neck, and Yev gently licked the aching spots where he’d bitten Radek earlier. Silence hung between them for a while longer until Yev broke it again in a strained voice.