He was getting aroused, and if he were in his human self, he’d have removed his clothes and showed himself to Yev in the doorway, inviting his cool body for a warm-up.

Yev approached the house carrying a whole bunch of black duffel bags. “I’ll be another fifteen minutes. Need to carry all that stuff to the shed,” he said and stretched, which made his muscles flex under the sweater, visible where his winter jacket was open.

Radek sighed, shifting in place as he watched Yev’s big form walk away, and his mind wandered to the dense scent Yev’s body had in the morning. The inability to do anything about it was less bearable each time, but his will was crumbling, and when Yev disappeared from sight, it became clear he might not succeed at thinking about cold dead eels this time.

Desperate times called for desperate measures. He only had fifteen minutes, but at this point he’d need less than two. He jumped off the chair and rushed for the sofa. It might’ve been stupid and embarrassing, but he needed to get off or he’d lose his goddamn mind. He thought back to Yev’s hand gripping his hair and that giant dick plowing his mouth as he straddled a cushion. All he needed to do was forget what kind of body he now had, and ride the moment.

Hot all over, he let his thoughts flow freely, and all of a sudden he was a man again, waking up on top of Yev. Their eyes would meet, and Yev, no longer caring how Radek had acted in the past, would roll on top and spread Radek’s legs. They would kiss, Yev would squeeze Radek’s flesh, and Radek would reach to that huge dick, and lead its tip to his ass—

“Damn it. I’m so thirs—” Yev, the real-world Yev said, opening the door wide and letting in frosty air that made Radek’s balls shrink.

This could not be happening.

His eyes met Yev’s.

Radek hissed and jumped off the pillow so fast he fell off the sofa with a whine, only to dart behind it. He didn’t think, struck by terror as he stayed perfectly still, wishing he’d wake up to this being a bad dream.

But no, this was real. He wouldn’t have dreamt the dust tumbling through the air, agitated by the speed of his movement.

Oh God. He wished he could stay here forever and sizzle in shame, even that hell was preferable to facing Yev.


Silence that made his skin prickle and his throat ache.

Fuck, why wasn’t Yev saying anything?

Then finally, “Ember? I mean… you could have picked a better moment, but everyone has their needs, right?”

Radek whined and rolled his face against the dusty floor. At least his arousal was dying along with him.

This time, Yev didn’t manage to keep in a snort. “Should I check which cushions and pillows are suspiciously stiff?”

Nooo! Radek couldn’t take this indignity. He whined a stern no several times, but was already planning a new life under the sofa, because it was obvious he could never leave.

“I understand you, man. If I were in your position, I’d have also tried to give myself a hand… err, pillow. But you’ll need to pull off the case and put it into the washing machine.”

Unable to scream out in anguish, Radek started barking from his hole of solitude. He wanted to say he’d never done anything like this before, that he’d stewed in his juices since Yev had taken him in, and this single ill-timed moment of weakness shouldn’t be held against him like this. But he was left without a way to argue his case, so he just kept yowling his frustration.

Yev exhaled, his heavy boots coming closer to the sofa and prompting Radek to retreat deeper into its shadow. “I take it you don’t want to finish anymore?” he asked, kneeling and pressing his cheek to the floor so he could take a peek.

Radek let out a series of angry barks. No. He did not want to finish. A) he’d never be aroused again after this, B) he did not want Yev to think of him as a fox that had humped a pillow, even though that was exactly what he’d done.

He’d settled into not being able to talk surprisingly well, considering he was a chatterbox by nature, but right now, he really would have liked to voice one of many lies he could have come up with to cover this blunder.

Yev rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll take it to the wash this time,” he said and stood, presumably about to touch the cushion Radek had been pleasuring himself against.

No! Radek crawled out on the other side of the sofa and grabbed the soft fabric with his teeth before Yev could have gotten to it. He dragged it to the floor and darted outside, where he threw it into the snow. He’d bury it as deep as he could, and no one would remember its existence.