He limped closer to Yev and cocked his head, waiting to see more of that muscular flesh.

Unaware of the creeper present in his home, Yev tossed off his socks, and let his jeans slide to the floor, directing Radek’s attention to what he hadn’t gotten to see earlier. How big were Yev’s balls? They looked good in the underwear, but he wanted to know whether Yev shaved down there. Who was he kidding? Yev wasn’t the kind of guy who waxed and—

His thoughts came to a halt when Yev walked off to one of the wooden cabinets, presenting a muscular back marked by two sets of claw marks running from his shoulders and ending just above his boxer briefs.

Who was this guy to even have scars like this? An ex-circus performer?

Radek limped behind him, eager to not miss any glimpse he could get of Yev’s body. So he was a perv, but he’d like to believe that in the circumstances he was in, he should be allowed a little bit of leeway when it came to morally questionable behavior, especially since Yev had already offered him his dick for sucking earlier.

His legs were so nice too—straight and packed with muscle, with a tight ass at the top. Radek kind of wanted to pull down the strip of thick black fabric that still hid Yev from his greedy eyes, but before he could have made up his mind, Yev pulled on gray sweatpants and picked up a guitar, which had been hanging on the wall as decoration.

“What did your former human do for fun, Ember, huh?” Yev asked, winking at Radek in a way that would have made his normal self’s balls tickle.

He could enjoy this.

Radek started bouncing around in what he considered an appropriate way for a fox to dance, but the fun was over when he accidentally stepped on the fresh stump and fell over with pain shooting up his leg, and reminding him that there was nothing fun about his situation. This wasn’t a date.

Yev hissed in sympathy and kneeled to tap on the cone of shame around Radek’s head. “Have you been trained to perform? I swear I’m gonna investigate this,” he said and scooped Radek up with one hand.

It was strange to be carried this way, as if he weighed close to nothing when he knew he was a grown man, but there was no point in fighting Yev over his dignity when he placed Radek on a folded blanket on the floor and returned to the chair with his guitar. “I won’t get any sleep tonight, will I? Need to keep an eye on you, Ember.”

Radek would have preferred to restrict Yev’s sleep in other ways, but foxing around would have to do. He was terrified of what might happen to him, but the situation was so crazy he couldn’t even begin considering solutions—if there were any at all.

His ears perked up at a familiar tune coming from the chair as Yev started playing a soothing, slow melody. It was ‘Yesterday’ by the Beatles, and while Yev’s singing voice wasn’t as pleasant to the ears as the warm timbre he spoke in, Radek found himself listening to its comforting sound. He tried not to think about the missing paw too much, convincing himself that this body wasn’t really his and that his hand would be intact once he turned back into a human.

Yev’s hands caressed the strings, his Adam’s apple moved, his tongue trembled behind his lips as he sang with that melodic accent of his.

Radek would have never pinned Yev for a sensitive guy who played guitar to a fox he’d rescued, yet here they were. In truth, there were many things he wouldn’t have pinned Yev as. Even if Yev hadn’t been a douche and actually fucked him earlier, Radek would have left in a hurry and never found out that this guy was caring or that he cooked.

Radek didn’t know the next song, but he knew enough Ukrainian to understand the words, and he wondered whether the lyrics about being away from home were personal to Yev, or if he just liked them.

Radek would survive this and go back to normal, but right now, getting some rest was imperative. He had a full belly, the fireplace produced warmth, and a handsome man was serenading him. He could bear this until he got better.

“You’re gonna stay with me, won’t you, Ember?” Yev asked once the song was over, his gaze more copper than steel when it reflected the fire. “You know what that means?” he asked and made a scissor gesture with his fingers.

Radek cocked his head, but when it dawned on him what Yev’s meaning could be, he snarled, backing away with his heart beating faster and faster. This had to be a joke, right?