Radek’s heart picked up pace at the thought of a bond so permanent. One in which he would be so ultimately secure. But trusting Yev was just as easy, and he craved to offer him the same sense of security. “I won’t. I’m yours. Tell me about this purification thing,” he whispered, unable to keep the tremble out of his voice.

Yev exhaled and pressed his lips to Radek’s forehead. “I believe you. But other werewolves will not, unless they can tell by scent that we belong together. It’s a lifelong bond, like I told you, but there are… exceptions,” Yev said with caution, stroking Radek’s fingers as he watched the open door. “Sometimes, after a wolf dies, his mate wants to be released, because otherwise, she’d be a widow forever, and none of the pack members would have the guts to approach her.

“She has to ask the pack alpha for purification, and while this is a rare thing to happen in the first place, I’ve never heard of any leader rejecting this kind of request. I’ve only seen it happen twice. Father would leave with the woman, and once they came back the next day, she no longer carried her lost partner’s scent. I was thinking that maybe… maybe a man could be purged too. Maybe if you underwent the same ritual, your body would be open to me,” Yev said, his voice getting quiet, as if he were embarrassed.

“Yes. I want that!” Radek said, surprised to see Yev’s expression sadden.

“This bond is not to be taken lightly. I would become the only man you could ever love until the day you die.”

Radek swallowed, overwhelmed by those words. His heart yearned to burst out of his ribcage in confirmation of his commitment, but Yev was serious, and his words deserved careful consideration.

“Yes. You tamed me. I’m yours, and will always be.”

Yev hugged him tightly with his brows drawn together. “The ritual might not work.”

Radek kissed his cheek. “I’m yours either way. You don’t need to leash me in order to have me. I will be at your side whatever the outcome.”

Yev exhaled, but at least this time his mouth wasn’t as tense. “They would never accept our relationship if this doesn’t work out. They would see it as artificial and a danger to pack secrets. But I’d have to live with that. Will I miss my pack? Yes, even though I don’t think they’d treated me fairly, but it is what it is, and maybe I’d feel better once I made stronger connections with outsiders. But I need you to know you’re worth it to me. I will never regret choosing you, whatever ends up happening.”

Radek’s heart became lighter, and he bumped his shoulder against Yev’s as he fed him a bite of bread. “Stooop it! You’re making me all melty.”

Yev hummed, as if putting his thoughts into words improved his mood. “That’s the goal. Maybe I can get into your pants again once I get over my sulking.” He swallowed, going quiet while he looked into Radek’s eyes. “I haven’t been a great roommate lately, have I?”

Radek nuzzled his shoulder. “It’s okay. You lost something important. I lost my dad two years ago and… he had many flaws, but I knew he had my back whatever stupid shit I was doing. I’ve been feeling adrift since then, but not anymore.”

Yev sighed, tickling Radek’s skin with his warm breath. “We could stay here. If I continue to oversee the forests in this valley, this might be our home for many years. Would you like that?” he whispered, rubbing his stubbly cheek against Radek’s.

“Yes. I used to think Dybukowo was the most boring place on Earth. I’ve changed my mind since then, and I’m never bored when I’m with you, anyway.”

Yev’s laughter was warm and came straight from his chest. “I would hope not. You are my true mate, no matter what the others may say. Now do your duty and feed me. That food can’t go to waste.”

The tension of the last few days dropped from Radek’s shoulders, and as hard as the conversation had been, he was glad it happened because the atmosphere between them cleared up. So he fed Yev, they showered together for the first time in days, and being so close to the man he loved provided the emotional release Radek needed before he could face the world.

They were about to venture out on Yev’s daily rounds when Radek’s phone beeped. The wonders of satellite Internet. Worked even where cellular signal didn’t reach.

“Oh no…” Radek groaned the moment he saw the message. “You won’t like this. Jessika’s on her way, and I promised her the photoshoot with two foxes so…”

Yev frowned. “On the way where? Here?” he asked, indicating their living room.

“Yeah. She said she didn’t want the photoshoot at the farm because it smelled.” Radek shook his head and entwined his fingers with Yev’s, eager to reassure him.