He was about to offer Burian a way out but remained quiet when the reddish eyes burned in the wide, hairy face, staring back with a promise of death. Any chances of negotiation were over.

Yev had clung to hope someone would intervene, but even Father must have understood this confrontation had been years in the making, and allowed the bloodshed between two brothers to take its course.

“Your back!” Radek yelled as Yev was about to swipe his claws at Burian.

How was his back in danger when Burian was at his mercy?


The backstabbing bastard launched himself at Yev and tore the fur off his skin with a single pass of his clawed hand. Yev stifled a roar, his head spinning from the pain as he turned to face his second opponent while Burian thrashed, attempting to bite Yev’s hand and kicking at him mercilessly.

The collective growl coming from the others at the unevenness of the fight was a hum at the back of his head, because Yev was set on surviving first, winning second. A flash of ginger hair was a distraction that cost him losing his grip on Burian’s throat, and his brother freed himself, aided by the icy mud.

Yev used the newfound freedom to launch a vicious attack on Fedir who would regret joining up with the wrong werewolf. He smashed his knuckles into Fedir’s ugly muzzle, easily breaking his nose and cheekbone in one go. The blood spraying Yev’s face was like war paint, and he reveled in its heat.

But just as he shoved the bastard down, ready to take on Burian, his older brother let out a frantic scream. Something sizzled, and the scent of cooked meat filled the air.

Father covered his mouth, the werewolves stepped back, and when Yev looked Burian’s way, he saw a small silver dagger stuck into the bastard’s side, searing werewolf flesh from the inside.

With eyes bulging from the shock, Burian stumbled forward, shuddering yet completely focused on Radek, who tried to step away but fell into the snow the moment he backed into the bench. His helpless cry was the lure to ease Burian’s suffering, and the monster went after Yev’s boy.

Burian would not let this go. Even if he survived the damage caused by the silver blade, he would never forget the pain and indignity of it, reminded of his humiliation every time he saw pus seep from a wound that would never heal. He would always be on the hunt for Yev’s lover. Always.

Unless he lay dead.

Yev made a leap his way, grabbed his jaw from behind, pulled his head back to expose the throat, and tore it out with his other hand. The ugly gurgle Burian still attempted to make was a helpless last resort, spurting blood from the open throat. He collapsed, shrinking into human form as it convulsed.

Radek’s ragged gasps were so loud in Yev’s head he could barely hear his own brethren growl. The boy was pale, and a bright red splash of blood painted Radek from the sweatpants to his face.

“I… I… There was two of them, and…”

Yev roared at Fedir, who tried to sneak up on him, crooked, bleeding nose and all. Yev wanted to make him submit and threatened him with a growl, but the bastard was too stupid to think clearly and charged.

Fedir’s disregard for rules, that cowardly attack Radek had managed to prevent, was still a bright presence in Yev’s mind. He charged with a ferocity Fedir didn’t expect, and the whole thing was over within the blink of an eye.

Yev’s claws sank into the flesh of Fedir’s chest and held him still while he closed his jaws on the arched throat and ripped out the Adam’s apple. Blood sprayed at him like mist, and the massive body dropped to the ground without another sound. For a moment, adrenaline was so thick in Yev’s veins he chewed on the piece of meat he’d bitten off, but a brief glance at a very pale Radek made him spit it out.

“Satisfied?” Yev asked, his voice raspy as he glanced at the men who used to be his pack and who’d just become strangers. The sense of despair skyrocketed when Olek gave a muffled sob, prompting Yev to look at his older brother lying dead at his feet, and at his own hands stained with his blood. But all the others? They were impressed and stared at Yev with respect they hadn’t realized he deserved.

But then his gaze swept over Burian’s open eyes, and his face, which had frozen in an expression of fright, and he flinched, despite being ready to fight back when someone stepped toward him. His heart froze when he realized it was Father. Everyone held their breath, and even birds didn’t dare make a sound to disturb the peace of mourning.