“Nothing—which is everything. I was in a bad headspace a year ago. After a string of rough breakups, I beat myself up, was convinced something was wrong with me. Then a friend stepped in, an acquaintance in my social circle. He gave me a similar pitch to the one I’m giving you. It changed my life. I can’t pay him back, but I can pay it forward.” His gaze fastens on mine, steady and incisive. “Infidelity operates on word-of-mouth only. Confidentiality is vital, and employees must be sponsored. I want to be that person for you. Your sponsor. Because despite how my last agreement ended, the past year with Chr…uh, with my companion was the best year of my life.”

“A secret network that’s invite-only.” I laugh. What I should be doing is walking out that door, but curiosity keeps my ass in the chair. “Sounds like Fight Club rules.”

“Exactly. Most of the clients are distinguished and well-known. We’re talking CEOs, politicians, celebrities—people who spend a lot of money shielding their private affairs from the public eye. If you’re ever asked about Infidelity, you say you don’t know. You do not acknowledge it outside of the network.”

“You don’t know me.” I lower my voice and lean closer, glaring at him. “I can sell your dirty sex life to the newspaper and destroy your career.”

“I’ve been watching you sling beer at Blue Dixie for six months.” He smiles softly. “My fascination might’ve started as a crush, but I swear I’m not a creepy stalker or anything like that.” He strokes a thumb along the rim of his plate. “You have a way with people. Everything about you is magnetic and attractive—your confidence, your charm, your irresistible sex appeal. With assets like that at your disposal, you could woo a wealthy woman out of every penny she has.” His lips twist then flatten in a line. “But you’d never do that. Beneath that fuck-off exterior lies a tremendous amount of honor and self-respect.”

My skin tingles uncomfortably. “You don’t know that.”

“Remember when I slipped in a hundred-dollar bill with my check?”

Yeah, I thought it was a mistake and caught him on his way out the door to give it back. “No one tips like that at Blue Dixie.”

“You could’ve kept it, played it off like it was a tip and not a slip-up on my part.”

“You were testing me?”

He nods. “You never hit on a married woman, not even when her interest in you is blindingly obvious.” Something akin to respect shines in his eyes. “I wouldn’t be sitting here with you if I wasn’t one-hundred-percent confident in your integrity.” He sighs. “Maybe I’m being presumptuous, but you can have anyone you want. Yet you seem so…”

I arch a brow.

“Lonely.” He looks down at his plate, twisting the fork. “I know you need a job, but part of me hopes you’ll consider this interview and find happiness in the company of another person.”

Loneliness is so far down on my list of problems right now. I’m unemployed and soon-to-be evicted with twelve bucks in my bank account. I need that five thousand dollars.

I rub the back of my neck. “Some of the clients are female?”

“Of course.” His eyes light up, and he sits taller. “You can restrict your profile to women.”

“Attractive, young, physically fit women?” A hot corporate type who needs a stiff dick at the end of a long work day? I can get behind something like that.

“You don’t get to pick your client. Infidelity prides itself in its mastery of pairing people based on personalities and tastes. They’re so good at it, in fact, they only offer their clients two agreements. Two chances to make it work.”

“You’re on your second agreement. What if that doesn’t pan out?”

“I’m out. While clients are allowed two agreements, employees only get one. Infidelity doesn’t pimp. This isn’t an escort service. Clients aren’t paying for companions who are rotated in and out. They’re paired with an employee who’s never done this before. It’s genius if you think about it.”

“How much do you pay for this exclusivity?” I can’t imagine paying for sex.

“That’s not something I can talk about. I can promise you an interview, but Infidelity decides whether to hire you. They have a very selective intake process, which includes medical tests, psych evaluations, and background investigations. The last thing their clients need is a scandal involving an Infidelity employee with a shady past.” He tilts his head. “Full disclosure is advised. If you’re hiding something, they’ll find it.”

His unasked question hangs in the air, but I’m not about to air my dirty laundry to a stranger.

“If they offer you a job,” he says, “you’ll receive a monthly check from them. Most clients provide housing, meals, all the basic expenses on top of your Infidelity salary. For example, if you’re required to attend black tie affairs, the client would cover the wardrobe and attendance fees. You can potentially go the entire year without spending a dime of your income from Infidelity. At the end of the year, the agreement can be renewed. Or it can be bought out, if you and the client decide to stay together without the company. Or it can be terminated. In that case, you receive a severance package and walk away with the money you saved during the year.”