“Very good. I have a proposal for you.” She tilts her head toward the veranda. “Care to walk with me for a few minutes? I’d like to get some fresh air before dinner.” She holds out her elbow.

He supports her arm with his. I might’ve praised him for being a proper gentleman if his gaze hadn’t drifted to my chest, prompting his naughty tongue to slide over his bottom lip.

“I’ll be back.” He meets my eyes.

I give him an encouraging smile. Good luck.

As he leads Adelaide toward the veranda, I shamelessly stare at his firm tuxedo-hugged ass until a pretty starlet blocks my view.

“Laynee Somerset.” She erases the distance and runs her fingers over the silver fur around my arms. “This wrap is divine. Where did you get it?”

“Thank you. Someone had it made for me.”

I spend the next hour entertaining guests and working my way through the crowd. Decker returns just as the first course is being served. As he prowls toward me, the room seems to stand still. Groups of women pause in conversation to watch him pass. Everything about him is arresting, but it’s his gaze that narrows the world to just him and me.

I’ve seen countless dark eyes in my life, but none compare to the ones watching me now. They’re as potent as his touch, imposing, seductive, arousing with daunting indecency. My skin tingles and heats, and my eyelids grow heavy with every step he takes in my direction. He’s so powerfully intoxicating that by the time he’s within reach, I’m quivering and breathless with addictive need.

“I missed you.” He rests a warm hand on my neck and guides my lips to his.

My soft moan beckons his tongue, and I don’t even care if there are hundreds of powerful people watching and judging our display. My arms encircle his neck as he slides his fingers around my waist, pulling me closer. The feel of his mouth, the strength of his jaw, and the support of his embrace satisfies me on a fundamental level. This man is mine, and he tastes like forever.

Too soon, he breaks the kiss to rub his nose against mine.

I suck in a much-needed breath and rest my hands on his chest. “How was your conversation with Mrs. Montague?”

“Very nice.” His lips lower to my neck, twitching with a smile. Then he scrapes his teeth across my shoulder, tickling my skin and making me squirm. “She’s a lovely woman.”

Our eyes meet, and his expression asks me to trust him. Whatever he discussed with Adelaide put a cautious spark of excitement in his eyes. He’ll tell me when he’s ready.

“Okay.” I straighten his bow tie and ghost my fingers over the sharp angle of his jaw.

His neck stiffens beneath my hand. A vein bulges in his forehead, his attention zeroing in on something behind me. I turn, following his gaze, and my heart sinks to my feet, taking all my blood with it.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Decker grips my wrist, his voice low and deadly.

Blake Harridan stalks through the ballroom with his arm around an A-list actress. The very actress who was given the leading role I recently auditioned for.

“I didn’t look at the final guest list,” I whisper, swallowing the knot in my throat. “He’s always attended this event, but I assumed with the announcement of our divorce, he would bow out this year.”

My ex-husband’s thick head of black hair swivels left to right. I have an awful feeling he’s searching for me, despite the buxom brunette clinging to his arm. Doesn’t matter how many women are in his bed. He’s always looking for a new conquest, and why not? He’s classically handsome with millions of drooling female fans feeding his ego. Too bad they don’t know how cruel and self-absorbed he is.

“This is a charity for abuse victims.” Decker glares at Blake, who has yet to notice us on the other side of the ballroom. “His presence is fucking disgusting.”

Blake never acknowledged he’s an abuser. The irony of showing his face here is either lost on him or he just doesn’t give a damn.

When his eyes come to a stop on mine, I flash him a sickeningly fake smile. Decker goes rigid beside me. His breathing picks up, and the hand on my arm clenches.

“You have to behave yourself, Decker.” I pivot to face him, cupping his neck and drawing his gaze to mine. “Any kind of violence counteracts the purpose of this event. Please remember that.”

“Laynee.” His jaw sets, nostrils flaring as he briefly closes his eyes. “If he approaches you, I can’t promise—”

“He won’t talk to me.” Last time I saw him, I threatened him with a restraining order if he comes near me again. “Pretend he’s not here, okay?”

With a stiff nod, Decker leads me away from Blake and toward our table near the stage where I’ll be speaking.