I lock the door behind me and shuffle toward the vanity and huge lighted mirror, more than ready to get back to Savannah. Resting an elbow on the counter, I reach for the hidden zipper beneath my armpit.

“The dress stays on.”

Decker’s deep timbre startles a gasp from me, and my gaze jumps to his in the mirror. He prowls toward me, hands behind his back and indecent intent simmering in his eyes.

“I wondered where you went.” I straighten, watching him watch my reflection.

“You’ve been teasing me for hours.” He presses up behind me and dips his mouth to my neck.

“Teasing you? I was working.”

His hands sweep up the fronts of my thighs and slip under the dress. “I’ve been staring at your legs along with every other son of a bitch in that room.” His thumbs trace the crotch of my panties. “Do you know how cruel that is?” He roughly pulls my butt against the swollen length in his jeans. “It’s fucking painful.”

I groan at the feel of his hardness against me. “We can’t have sex, Decker.”

His eyes stay on mine in the mirror as he grabs the front of my panties and yanks hard enough to rip the seams.

The scrap of lace falls down my legs and tangles around my ankles.

I flatten my hands on the counter. “If you fuck me, I’ll get attached.” I’m already attached.

He kisses my neck, his breath hot and seductive. His fingers slide between my legs, slipping deeper and deeper with each wicked stroke through my folds.

With a moan, I let my head tilt to the side, giving him better access. “I’ll get needy.” I’m already needy.

He sinks two fingers into my wetness and gently thrusts his hand. “I’m about to be attached and needy inside your dripping pussy.”

His other hand moves to his belt. The clink of the buckle races my pulse. The slide of his zipper quickens my breaths.

“For how long, Decker? What happens at the end of the agreement?” I writhe on the fingers curling inside me, warring with the need to grind against his hand and shove it away. “You’ll move on to younger, fresher pastures, and I’ll—”

“Shut the fuck up, Laynee.”

“If we weren’t under a binding legal agreement, I would totally fire you right now.”

He bites the back of my dress, pinching the skin beneath, right over the worst of my scars.

With every battered beat of my heart, I know I should tell him to fuck off and end this. But I can’t. He gives me exactly what I crave. His dominant position over me makes my blood sing. His cocky personality and powerful body gives me confidence by proxy. And he doesn’t pretend my scars don’t exist. He forces me to confront them.

I’m not whole on my own, but when I have him at my side, I feel unstoppable. If I let this man put his cock in me, I’ll feel connected, loved, complete. I won’t ever be able to let go.

His fingers leave my pussy, and clothing rustles behind me. He strips out of both shirts and flips up the skirt of my dress. His gaze drops, lingering on my bare ass for a moment that stretches into several more. His dark eyes flick to my reflection, back to my butt, and he lowers out of view in the mirror.

Without warning, he plunges his fingers into my pussy from behind. I gasp at the burst of pleasure, lifting on my toes and collapsing over the counter of the vanity. He runs his teeth across my ass, nibbling and licking as he fingers me into trembling breathlessness.

“I’m going to fuck you without a condom.” He glides his lips downward and buries his mouth between my legs, curling his tongue and pushing me toward that blissful edge. “It’ll be a first for me.”

I press my heated cheek against the cold counter and try to focus on his words. “You’ve never had sex without a condom?”

“No.” His palm slams against my ass, shooting a stinging fire across my skin.

“What the hell was that for?” I crane my neck to glare at him.

“For making me wait a month for this.”

He spanks my other cheek, and the force of it knocks me against the counter, clattering brushes and hair products to the floor.

“Stop!” I pant through the vicious burn, hating that I love the way it turns me on and inside out. “That’s a hard limit. No physical pain or—”

His hand collides with my ass three more times in rapid succession. I fight him, fight my desire for him, and lose shamefully. Arousal leaks down my thighs as he holds me against the edge of the counter, against the edge of orgasm, and strikes my ass again and again.

My husky cry is cut off with his hand over my mouth, then his lips as he kisses me into a boneless puddle. With his body bowed over my back and his fingers in my pussy, he grips his cock and rubs the broad head across my backside, down my hip, and slides it between my legs. It’s so hot and hard it feels like a fire iron driving through my folds.