“What are you doing? I’m too young to die!”

“I wouldn’t let you drown,” Emil said as soon as he appeared and pulled Adam in for a hug that was perilously close to getting sexual.

Adam met his gaze, his hands settling on his lover’s hips, but he remained undecided and splashed his face before swimming off on his back. “You say that now.”

Emil laughed and grabbed his ankle. “Come back here!”

Maybe that was why his mother really didn’t want him to come here? This sense of isolation that made sin come so easily, because it felt that nobody would ever found out. She and Dad got talked into participating in a pagan celebration, and maybe she knew temptation wouldn’t spare her son either? Whatever happened in Dybukowo, would stay here forever—hidden away in the valley.

Water splashed Adam’s face, and he burst into laughter, letting Emil pull him closer as the clouds obscured some of the sky. With most of their bodies underwater, the physical closeness in public was easier to excuse, and he looked up, biting his lip as Emil pushed back the hair that stuck to his face.

“Or what?”

“Or a drowner will take your balls,” he whispered, and before Adam knew it, Emil’s fingers found their way to Adam’s crotch.

His toes dug into the sand under his feet, and he pressed his hand to Emil’s chest, breathless from the suddenness of this sensation. “Oh, God.”

Emil gently pulled on Adam’s sac with that smile straight from hell. “But maybe he’d suck on them first…”

Adam’s thoughts went red with heat, and within two heartbeats got so obscene he should’ve buried himself in the sand and never come out. He wasn’t stupid. It was obvious that Emil wanted more from the sexual relationship they shared. More than touching, kissing, and watching each other masturbate.

Adam had already broken his vows of celibacy and was conducting mass without a clean conscience. He wasn’t only a bad priest but a terrible human being. A liar. A hypocrite. But he so very much wanted to give in. He wanted to feel Emil’s weight on him and once again experience the overwhelming sensation of Emil’s cock entering his body. They both wanted what had happened when Adam had been the demon’s slave, but it was too much of a risk.

And Adam’s fear was greater than his need for specific sexual acts when he could have Emil in other ways.

“Praise be!”

A female screech tore through the air so unexpectedly Adam lost balance and fell back into the water when he tried to step away too fast.

The giggles that followed told Adam the greeting wasn’t sincere at all. Jessika Golonko walked toward the grassy shore with a blonde friend. They both carried matching Louis Vuitton beach bags and were clad in bikinis. And while they moved at a leisurely pace, with Adam and Emil butt-naked in the water, it felt as if the teenagers were two race horses approaching the finish line.

He’d tempted fate, and this time, fate had taken the bait.

“Now and forever,” Adam answered in a trembling voice, dipping in all the way to his neck while Emil watched him, cracking up as if this was all a big joke. “Girls, please turn around. I wasn’t expecting female company.”

“Oh, my God! Are you skinny dipping, Father?”

“No, no! But it’s indecent either way.”

Jessika snorted, but pushed on the blonde’s arm, and they both turned around. “Naughty, naughty, Father!” she teased and wouldn’t stop chuckling in a way that made Adam’s balls shrivel. Maybe it was for the better.

He was glad when Emil followed him out of the water, splashing about like a rhino charging at the beach. But when Adam darted for his towel, he spotted the blonde looking over her shoulder as if in slow motion, and he couldn’t believe her audacity when she whistled.

“Oh, shut up!” Emil yelled, wrapping a towel around his hips.

In the meantime, Adam was dying of embarrassment. There was no rock big enough for him to hide under. Only being confronted about his porn by the archbishop had been worse than this.

If any of the higher-ups found out what he was doing here, in Dybukowo, where he was supposed to mellow out his sinful needs, he’d be fucked.

The blonde turned around. “Me? I’m not the one flaunting my naked body in a public area.”

Adam could have contested that, considering her entire bikini probably consisted of less fabric than his boxer briefs, but at this point he just wanted to leave and wallow in his shame for the rest of the day, not confront anyone.

Emil wouldn’t give it a rest though. “Just admit you came to spy on us, you pervs!”

The blonde scowled. “I’ll sue you for exposing yourself to minors!”

“I’ll sue you for sexual harassment!” Emil yelled back.

Jessika turned to them as well, a sly smile stretching her lips. “You can’t afford to sue anyone for anything.”