With the fern flower burning close by, surrounded by the floating fireflies, and overlooked by the stars, they existed beyond time, and he wanted to believe that they would never have to leave the safety of their green cocoon.

Emil had been sure that after the traumatic experience of demonic possession, Adam would never want him again, but whether it was the magic of this night, the destiny of Adam grabbing Emil’s wreath, or luck brought by the fern flower, after a week apart, Adam’s lips only tasted sweeter.

Adam gasped for air, his knee climbing the side of Emil’s thigh as they rocked together, fueled by passion that left them without a care for the stones and sharp branches poking them through the fabric. In this enchanted moment, in an undiscovered part of the woods, even Adam could forget who he was and submit to his desires.

Toned legs slotted around Emil’s hips, but they soon rolled over again, and Adam landed on top, rocking his hard cock against Emil through all the layers of fabric still preserving his modesty. He broke the kiss to look at Emil, but as the pearlescent bugs swirled above, creating a halo around his handsome form, the flirty light dimmed in his eyes. He lifted his hips, as if reality had only now hit him.

“I think we should… talk first,” he said, his face hanging an inch above Emil’s

Talking was the last thing on Emil’s mind, but this wasn’t just about him, so he took a deep breath and pressed his forehead to Adam’s temple. “Go on.”

Adam shut his eyes and took a deep intake of air, rolling his hips against Emil’s despite what he’d just declared. “I don’t want to hurt you again. I— I think he’s gone, but don’t want to risk it,” he said softly.

Emil sucked his lips in, relieved that Adam didn’t want to back out of this altogether. “You won’t hurt me if he’s gone.”

Adam swallowed hard and, after a moment’s hesitation, climbed off Emil. But while Emil feared he would leave their improvised blanket, Adam lay down so close they could smell each other’s breath. “We don’t know that. Maybe we could just… watch each other?”

Emil’s mind spun with the suggestion, but thinking clearly was impossible when Adam’s body was on offer, even if for viewing only. He could do that. He could do whatever Adam wanted if it meant he’d get to kiss his succulent lips, his throat, his smooth chest and pale stomach.

He lay beside Adam, but couldn’t help brushing against him with one shoulder. “Where do I sign up?”

The moment he said that, tension was gone from Adam’s face, replaced by a soft smile. But when Emil’s gaze already trailed lower, to the faint pink of Adam’s nipple peeking through the thin undershirt, Adam nudged his chin up. “This is serious.”

“Okay, okay,” Emil said and focused on Adam’s face, ready to drink up all of his words.

Adam took a deep breath, his shoulders hunching as he took his time thinking his words through. “I never felt this… need so strongly. I believe in God, but the more I am with Him, the more alone I feel. I just—“ he stopped, swallowing hard several times, in so much discomfort Emil forgot about the lust raging in his body and stroked Adam’s shoulder for comfort. “You make me feel at ease, like no one and nothing else. This past week, I’ve been constantly on edge, wondering if that monster still lurked in the dark, but every time you were with me, my thoughts fell into place. I know I shouldn’t just blindly follow my instincts, but I want to. With you.”

Heat buzzed under Emil’s skin, as if his insides were a furnace Adam had just lit. So he hadn’t been wrong to feel the way he did. Adam could also tell that the sparks between them shone brightly, and if they both cared for this fire, it would persevere through every winter to come. If only they let this emotion burn, it would keep them warm, and neither of them would ever be lonely again.

“But I need you to understand that I’ll only stay here for another five months. And then, I’ll go wherever they choose to move me,” Adam said, eyes locked on Emil’s, glowing with the desire to hear that those conditions were fine with Emil.

But Emil’s own fire dimmed as he forced himself to consider what Adam was offering, not what he secretly wanted. He’d been attracted to Adam since the night they had met, to the point where he’d made a fool of himself on more than one occasion for the sole purpose of trying his luck with a man who’d already said no.

He didn’t know when that pure lust turned into the need to be around Adam, to see him, to hear his voice, and make him smile over silly things. Despite all their differences, they simply clicked and longed for one another’s company in the pit of boredom and mundanity called Dybukowo. In all that time, he’d never bothered to ask Adam if he knew how long he was staying. He’d just projected his own hopes on Adam and assumed it would be forever.