Agony of the best kind tortured Adam’s insides as the cock pushed in and out at a languid pace, as if Emil had more sense than the devil and took mercy on Adam’s vice-tight hole. Damp kisses trailed fire across his shoulders, and as long seconds passed, Adam’s body finally released its tight hold on the intruding girth, relaxing around it as if this wasn’t even his first time.

He gasped, surprised when the next thrust sent him flying on golden waves of joy, but his attention shifted when those warm, wonderful hands rolled to his throat and then trailed lower, over his back and chest while the thrusts became steadier, deeper.

“I could do this all night long,” Emil said between moans and gasps as he slammed his cock in again and again, addicting Adam to the intoxicating mixture of pain and pleasure.

Emil’s caresses soothed any discomfort, and just knowing that the man who Adam adored so much was taking sexual pleasure inside him, ignited a whole bonfire of delight.

He had seen a couple of videos and pictures of sex between men, but no matter how they excited him against his better judgment, he’d never dared to imagine the sensations of being penetrated. Now he knew.

Emil’s cock drilled him open as the strokes became broader, faster, and each time the cockhead dragged through Adam’s insides, it caused a jolt of painful pleasure that felt as if something was jerking him off from within. It was a sensation so strange he wasn’t even sure if it was the devil’s doing, or if his body had been made that way. But the longer it went on, the more discomfort dwindled, leaving behind distilled bliss that flooded Adam’s veins and gave him a rush he couldn’t compare to anything he’d ever felt.

“Good. That’s so good,” he uttered in a broken voice, only to feel Emil licking along his shoulder blade.

“I’m gonna come in your ass so hard,” Emil said, and Adam whimpered when he pushed Adam’s knees farther apart, making him fall to the comforter.

Emil pressed on him with his whole weight, and entwined their fingers. Pinning Adam down, he started pumping his cock in at the speed of a jackhammer.

Adam loved it. He fucking loved it. No matter how sinful this act was, he had his legs open for Emil and greedily accepted the kisses and bites to his neck.

Emil’s scent enveloped him when the dark mane cascaded around his head, and he choked on words, uttering broken moans instead as the most tempting man in existence thrust into him so hard and fast Adam couldn’t even think. He couldn’t breathe. He was reaching the plane of existence where the two of them could become one being.

He cried out Emil’s name. When the firm arms pulled him against Emil’s chest and the movements of the powerful hips became erratic, Adam opened his eyes and whimpered as liquid heat filled his insides with its soothing presence.

“You feel so good around my cock. It’s unbelievable,” Emil whispered into Adam’s ear, rubbing his sweaty body against Adam’s skin as if he were trying to mark him with his scent as well.

Adam squeezed his ass on Emil’s throbbing dick, painfully aware that the devil wasn’t forcing him to do so. How long had he been free?

He dug his heels into Emil’s thighs, and lay still despite the pulsing hard cock sandwiched between the covers and his body. He could sense every muscle, every hair on Emil and tried to memorize them, along with the way warm breath teased his flesh and how Emil’s hips kept stirring, as if he didn’t yet have enough. He was heavy. Strong. A man who desired Adam in ways that couldn’t be expressed in dirty videos, and Adam let himself enjoy this moment, because it would be the only one of its kind.

Emil slowly pulled out of his tender ass, the friction kindling Adam’s arousal.

“I wanna see your face when you come,” Emil said in a low voice that sounded so intimate, it could only exist between lovers.

Adam hardly realized what was happening when Emil pushed himself up and rolled Adam over. Flushed, still panting, some of the hair stuck to his face, he was desire personified. He’d caught Adam in his snare and wouldn’t let go until he bled his prey.

Fear was a long-forgotten memory when Emil wrapped his fingers around Adam’s cock and caressed it while their eyes remained locked.

“You’re so handsome,” Adam said, losing all power to pull back when Emil leaned over him, flushed and sweaty after the sex. His hand was a steady presence on Adam’s oversensitive cock, moving up and down in a hypnotizing way that made Adam melt into the mattress. He had no willpower left.

“Look at my face. Look into my eyes.” Emil said, and Adam had no other option but to follow the order as he let forces of nature overtake his body. There was no escaping this. He would let this hunter catch him, bleed him and chew on his bones.