“You’re gonna be so tight for me,” Emil groaned, his words a match to set Adam’s thoughts aflame with embarrassment.

The devil wouldn’t let him go, and Emil would enjoy the sin. The insanity of what was happening to Adam made his heart thud as if it were on a blacksmith’s anvil, smashed again and again to become something different altogether in Emil’s skillful hands.

A laugh that wasn’t Emil’s resonated in the back of Adam’s skull, and his body leaned forward, pressing itself tightly to Emil’s muscular form. They kissed again, and when the long digit pushed deeper into the most intimate place in Adam’s body, lust exploded all over, burning his throat like a thirst that had to be satisfied, or else he’d crumble.

“Now. The wait is so painful. Only you can take it away,” the demon whispered through Adam’s lips.

Emil pulled away and it was like being dropped from that imaginary anvil straight into cold water. Adam reached out for him with a moan of agony, but Emil pushed Adam back to the mattress and took something out of the ancient dresser.

He stepped closer and dangled a packet in front of Adam, who wasn’t sure at first what he was looking at, but the demon did.

“No. None of that. We don’t need that. I want to feel you with no barriers. I need it,” Adam said on a single exhale, already rolling to his hands and knees as the heat of Emil’s gaze massaged his flesh until he could no longer stay still and rocked back and forth. He glanced over his shoulder, meeting the burning flames Emil had for eyes.

Adam groaned, obscenely biting his lips, but when Emil’s brows lowered, the gentle touch sliding down his aching back reminded him what’d he’d done earlier.

“Are you okay?” Emil asked in a low voice, but his care twisted Adam’s insides when he thought of the whip and how it hadn’t protected him this time.

“Don’t worry about it. Just… be with me.”

There was no way out of this. Adam couldn’t run or tell Emil that this wasn’t what he wanted, but if it was to happen, this one time, he needed to have cum filling him. This one moment of absolute connection to keep in his most treasured memories forever.

Emil dropped the condom to the floor and eagerly kneeled on the bed behind Adam, one hand stroking Adam’s buttock while he spread a slick oily substance all the way from Adam’s taint, over Adam’s twitching hole, and up to his tailbone. He rubbed his pinkie over the smooth scar where Adam’s tail had been. Or so his parents had told him.

He’d been born predisposed to sin.

“Love you like this. Spread your legs wider,” Emil rasped, and Adam did so without thinking twice. The liquid cooled on his skin, withstanding the extreme heat of Adam’s body, but no matter how thick the haze of lust was on Adam’s mind, fear stabbed its way into his mind like an ice pick when Emil’s cock nudged his buttock.

It would hurt like he was being torn apart, he was sure of it. Wouldn’t it be the cruelest of tricks to play on him if the devil made him submit to pleasure, only to ruin it and make Adam hate himself as well as Emil?

But the demon had no mercy for him. “Go on. I’m so ready for you,” it said through Adam’s lips.

Emil uttered a raspy grunt, a prelude to what was to happen and a warning. “You like it rough?” He whispered, gliding his slick dick over Adam’s hole. Unwilling to wait any longer, he grabbed Adam’s hip and pressed on with the cockhead.

Adam was drowning. He clawed into the comforter, curled his toes, but the demon choked his scream so it came out as a whine. Emil pressed his hand to Adam’s back, as if he wanted to stop him from fidgeting as the thick girth found its way into Adam, pushing past his defences until his body knew no other way to keep it out but to clamp around it.

It hurt, but Adam had no way of alarming Emil, locked in the void somewhere inside his own flesh. Shivers ran up and down his spine, becoming violent, as if he were about to shed his skin and run. He was terrified, but Emil’s hands kept him in place.

Emil steadied Adam’s hips, and when he leaned forward to kiss Adam’s nape, all that gorgeous hair cascaded to Adam’s skin, making him break out in goosebumps. It hurt to have Emil inside him, yet feeling him this close gave Adam a rush that soon replaced the shock with a narcotic sensation.

“More…” the demon rasped with Adam’s mouth, despite Adam trying to gag it.

“Who would have thought the chaste priest is such a slut in private?” Emil whispered into Adam’s ear and rocked his hips, each time driving himself that bit deeper.