The world lost its color, darkening at the edges when Adam’s body shook with uncontrollable tremors, as if the demon were melting into his blood and making it boil the same way it had affected the holy water.

He was gone.

When two massive bolts of lightning hit the ground only a few paces away from Adam, sending sparks into the air, he realized he’d somehow gone outside while not fully conscious. The tall poplars surrounding church grounds danced with the howling wind as he walked past them, straight into a wide field of wheat, which glinted as if an invisible hand of the moon had dusted them with silver.

He could see everything despite the clouds obscuring both the moon and stars, he was breaking out in goosebumps from the cold, he smelled the crops, and his throat ached as if it had been rubbed raw. But he had no control over his body as he walked on, beaten and blinded by the harsh blows of rain.

Adam’s legs kept moving, ignoring his will to stop, as if all connections between his brain and muscles had been severed. As if he was sleepwalking with his eyes open yet unable to wake up. Cold wind blew into his back, pushing him forward, like a mother trying to usher her child to move faster. He was walking straight through the waving sea of wheat with no will of his own, buried deep inside his own body in the strangest kind of a coma.

You can’t wait, can you? A hissing laugh echoed beneath his skull.

The sky was so dark tonight, and the field smelled sweet, like sugar, as if it didn’t bear grain but the pastries the flour would be made into. The fat wheat heads tickled his outstretched palms as he passed between jolts of lightning, which kept descending from the heavens to show him the way. Even the wind tickling his ear made him shiver, reminding him of the way Emil had slipped the tip of his tongue over it.

Adam‘s eyes wandered to the thatched house at the edge of the forest. A faint yellow glow in one of the windows beckoned him forward like a lighthouse leading a ship to safe waters. Against the background of the woodland stretching behind it, the house created a sight otherworldly enough for Adam to expect a witch living there, and he half-wondered if the brown wood was in fact gingerbread.

The answer to his burning questions came in his own voice, uttered by his mouth. “What are you so ashamed off? Your body is a gift. Use it,” The demon said as Adam passed the wooden gate and approached the main door in the downpour. “He really likes your blue eyes. If you hadn’t moved away earlier, he would have kissed you.”

Adam stomped over a blood red poppy. Its color was so bright it hurt Adam’s eyes, and he curled up in the darkness inside, where the creature had banished him to.

Step by step, they neared the soft lights of the old house, and Adam’s mind went numb when he realized what would happen next. Something at the very core of his being wanted to protest, but it wasn’t what came out as words.

“I assure you, you will feel so much better once he buries his cock in you.” It came as only a whisper, because Emil was already opening the door for him, his eyebrows high.

“May I come in?” the demon asked through Adam’s trembling lips.

Chapter 9 - Adam

Emil’s brows lowered as he stepped back, letting Adam into the house that smelled of warm herbs and his delicious flesh. A candle was lit in the kitchen, but Adam could see a soothing glow past the open door that led deeper into the house, to rooms he hadn’t gotten to see yet.

His senses were in overdrive, taking in everything, from the way the wooden floor dipped under his weight a fraction of a millimeter to the aroma of coffee. And Emil. Everything about Emil screamed out to Adam, inviting him for a feast.

“Did something happen?” Emil asked, locking the door without hurry. He’d changed into a pair of loose sweatpants since they’d spoken, but the tight T-shirt emphasized his firm chest and showcased the dark hair on his sturdy forearms.

Rain beat against the thatched roof, like endless whispers enticing Adam toward Emil, and when Adam’s ears picked up the sound of a firm heartbeat, his gaze was drawn to Emil’s graceful neck. It made his mouth water.

“I’m here for you,” Adam’s lips said, and his body took him closer, so close that Emil’s smoky aroma became almost too thick to bear.

Emil, who had so obscenely tried to seduce Adam from the moment they met, blinked a few times and didn’t move a muscle. “You are?”

Adam took a deep breath of air that was so thoroughly infused with Emil’s scent it felt like gold dust in his lungs. “I won’t stop myself anymore. I’m my own master.”