Lust washed through his body like a tropical wave, and he clutched at the dead leaves as the slippery, agile tongue teased him without mercy. It pushed inside, drilling its way deeper until he could barely think and let his face drop into the fragrant moss.

His mind was soaked with joy, as if he’d got drunk and forgot that pain and suffering were still in existence somewhere beyond this perfect moment. Chort would keep him safe from now on. He’d consume the bad luck that had plagued Emil all his life and love him until neither of them remembered how loneliness felt.

He let out a broken sound when the fur-covered arms circled his waist, but any and all thoughts drowned in hot molasses when the hard cock nudged his entrance.

“Yes,” he mumbled, dizzy from anticipation. His knees were stuck in mud and leaves, but he wouldn’t swap their natural bed for Egyptian cotton. This moment was primal, thrilling, and exactly what it should be.

Adam was Chort, the god of these lands, and Emil would be his lover.

Emil’s head throbbed from the excitement of being held in place by the massive arms, but as the cockhead pushed in, his body came alive, rocking back with greed. Adam licked the back of his head, panting loudly into Emil’s ear, and as their bodies connected, satisfaction resonated all the way in Emil’s balls.

He whined, trying to adjust to the girth of Adam’s cock, yet he wouldn’t ask his lover to slow down or be gentler. He wanted Adam to stake his claim and feast on him, so when the thick girth reached deep into his relaxed body, all he could do was drift on the waves of their desire.

Adam’s arms closed around him tightly, and Emil grabbed one of them as the column of hard flesh forced its way back and forth, making his body yield with such ease Emil stopped breathing and just tuned in to the way it filled him. The world around them flashed with bright colors, and once Adam bottomed out inside him, the sense of fullness was so complete Emil truly felt they were one.

They moved together like a beast made of both human and monster. Emil accepted everything Adam had to give, and the growing pace of the thrusts made the sex feel feral. They existed in the flesh, in reality. Fur. Skin. Teeth. Sweat. Claws. Gasps. And yet, it felt as if they had somehow left time itself behind, focused on each other as the world around ceased to move.

They’d been meant to meet like this and connect, and in this moment, all the pain and disappointment of their lives dispersed into nothingness.

Adam squeezed his arms around Emil as he came, pumping liquid heat into his body until the sense of fullness became too much to bear and pushed Emil to a climax that stretched into endless ecstasy.

Emil was a panting mess in Adam’s arms, but he couldn’t have felt safer. The monstrous nature Adam chose to embrace was on their side, and it would keep them happy for as long as they respected it in return.

Emil didn’t have the words to express the depth of his emotion, but for the first time in his life he not only hoped or believed but knew that his partner was in tune with him.

The growl coming from behind Emil was soft, soothing, but he still yelped when Adam rolled him over with a single pull before nuzzling his massive face against Emil’s.

The strange features of Chort’s face were still unfamiliar, bit Emil already loved him like he loved Adam’s handsome face. In fact, the longer he looked at the head that was a cross between a goat’s and a werewolf’s, the cuter it seemed. There was nothing scary in the sharp claws and teeth either, so he pressed a kiss to the soft muzzle and rubbed his leg against Adam’s furry thigh in appreciation.

“I love you,” Emil said and cuddled up to Adam, as if he lay under an overgrown teddy bear.

“You’re the only one who could love this face,” Adam said and rested his head on Emil’s shoulder. It was heavy and would soon cause Emil’s arm to go numb, but he couldn’t make himself to push Adam away yet.

“We can build a little cabin in the forest. I’ll grow some fruit and vegetables. Become a hermit. Scare off tourists if they come too close,” Emil mused, stroking the huge ribbed horns. That part of Adam was truly new, but he was ready to get accustomed to it.

Adam gave a rumbly laugh, but as they lay together, their bodies cooling on the bed of leaves, his face gradually fell. “There’s one more thing. And you won’t like it,” he said, wrapping a strand of Emil’s hair around his enormous index finger.