The unspoken question hung in the air like a glass pane, but Emil smashed straight through it, cupping Adam’s face and caressing his cheeks with his thumbs. Affection was already devouring his heart. He was nervous yet certain that he was not only ready to still have a physical relationship with Adam but that he wanted him now. “Not worried about sin anymore?” he teased breathlessly.

Adam hummed in a tone that made every muscle in Emil’s body tremble. “My mind is much clearer now. I am the lord of this land, so who’s to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do?” he asked and slowly rolled them over, as if he wanted to give Emil time to protest.

Emil gasped when Adam’s huge form stretched over him, already pressing down to share its warmth. Emil opened his thighs and slid his hands down the leathery skin of Adam’s chest as he marveled at its size when something hard and hot nudged his bare thigh.

Was he frightened? Yes. But the addictive cocktail of adrenaline and endorphins shot through his body, muting all worries in favor of lust. He’d never felt such dominant, confident energy from Adam, and even though his lover’s form changed, what Emil felt for him had not.

Adam’s warmth covered him like a blanket, and he roamed his fingers over the chest covered with sparse, but bristly hair, eager to learn new ways to show Adam how much he cared.

“I was wrong about us. Will you forgive me?” Adam asked as he placed his big hand over Emil’s cock and balls. Its leathery touch was an unexpected turn-on, and Emil clutched at Adam’s pecs, keeping their gazes locked.

“You saved my life, but yeah, I guess you’ll have some groveling to do.” But the truth was that he had already forgiven Adam. The proof of Adam’s love was in the body he would now have to live in.

Emil moaned when Adam teased his cock, but he couldn’t focus until he got a better look at what hid between the hairy legs.

Adam’s muzzle twisted into a predatory smile when he noticed Emil’s interest. His nostrils flared as he took another whiff of Emil’s hair, but he sat back, presenting Emil with a huge cock emerging from the thick hair around his thighs and abdomen.

Emil stiffened, for a moment tempted to close his thighs, but as he studied the erect dick, marveling at the head and its dark pink color, he found that it wasn’t as enormous as the rest of Chort. In fact, it was more like a really, really big human cock than something from the erotic pictures of monsters that circulated in parts of the Internet.

Which was a relief.

Emil licked his lips. “What do you—?”

Adam rolled him over to his stomach with such ease Emil’s heart began pounding in response to the vast difference in their physical strength. He liked to think of himself as a tough guy who never retreated, but Adam’s confidence was like the sweetest honey, and had him arching his back in excitement. The jacket Adam had given him wasn’t long enough to cover his ass, and he pushed his hips out, hyper aware of the obscene view he was offering his lover.

Still, unease clutched at his nape as the hard length rubbed his crack, but Adam soothed him with the touch of his hot tongue sliding under Emil’s collar. They’d barely done anything yet, but Emil already felt taken as he unzipped and tossed away the jacket.

Adam’s breath teased the exposed skin, but when his muzzle trailed between Emil’s shoulder blades, Emil’s dick twitched, begging for a touch.

“I’ll feast on you every night,” Adam whispered.

The ground was no longer cold, and the rocks and leaves under Emil’s knees and palms caused no discomfort. All he wanted was proof that they could still connect, still love one another the way they had the previous morning. “And you won’t even need to eat my heart.”

“No. I can consume you in other ways. Such delicious ways,” Adam whispered, rocking his body over Emil’s and pressing his cock against his ass time and time again. His soft face moved along Emil’s shoulder, but then he pulled on Emil’s hair and rubbed his nose against the exposed neck, sniffing loudly.

“Do it,” Emil rasped despite fear buzzing in his veins. He was too far gone to care. It had been a while since he bottomed, but all he wanted was to feel Adam close, to have him inside. The giant arms, the dense fur, the claws, were all new, yet the bond they shared felt ancient. As if they’d been destined for one another before birth and would stay together even years after death.

Adam trembled over him and retreated, but before Emil could have complained over the loss of warmth, the big hands grabbed his hips, and Adam’s long, hot tongue dove between Emil’s buttocks, causing his mind to melt as if it were overflowing with mulled wine and honey.