Adam held on to Emil’s neck and closed his eyes, focused on the new sensation of Emil slamming into him time and time again. He had no regrets, and no shame left, floating on the surface of desire and proud that of all the men, Emil chose him.

Emil’s skin wasn’t cool anymore. They were both fired up, and Adam’s whole being wished to wrap around Emil like a boa constrictor and never let him go.

In this position, his cock ended up trapped whenever Emil leaned in to kiss Adam, and each time it happened brought him closer to orgasm, until their tongues knotted together and Adam could no longer ride the wave. It carried him to the shore, washed over him, and left him a glorious mess.

There was something different about his climax this time. His worries were gone, wiped away by the force of nature that was Emil, and as he came and his hole squeezed around the rock-hard cock inside him, for a moment he forgot why he’d resisted this in the first place.

No sizzling sounds or the smell of burning skin followed, so he relaxed, holding on tightly as Emil thrust his cock in a few final times. Their bodies throbbed in unison, and when Emil gasped, resting his weight on Adam, the only regretful thing in Adam’s mind was that they’d have to part soon. A new day was beginning, and they couldn’t stay in this state of perfect harmony forever.

He refused to look away from Emil, holding his gaze as the strong body above his shivered, warm and sweaty despite the cold. “That’s it. I can feel your cum inside me, and it’s so good,” Adam whispered, not even ashamed of how much he was baring his thoughts. They were safe with Emil.

“I marked you. Now you’re mine,” Emil rasped, collapsing on top of Adam and scooping him up with his arms.

“Yours,” Adam whispered, unwilling to think of the consequences.

The trees above sung, welcoming them into their kingdom.

Chapter 20 - Adam

Adam awoke to bright sunshine coming in through the small window of his room. The heat surrounding him all over was a reminder of the closeness he and Emil had shared on a bed of leaves and wool, as the sky dome lit up with colors. They had been so exhausted afterwards they likely wouldn’t have made it back to the parsonage if it wasn’t for Jinx, but the beast carried them home, where they stumbled into the single bed that was too narrow for two men. Unless said two men enjoyed hugging each other.

As day slowly pulled him out of slumber, Adam realized Emil no longer held him close, and he missed the tight fit of their bodies just like he missed Emil’s cock inside him, even thought they’d only had sex a couple of hours back.

He opened his eyes.

Emil made the prettiest picture by the window. Wearing just the pajama pants from earlier, he faced the sun, which played with his tangled hair as the little knife he was using to cut up an apple reflected the rays straight into Adam’s face. The sweet scent of the fruit reached Adam, and he stretched with a contented sigh, watching the small bowl fill with bite-sized chunks.

Emil glanced at Adam, and his lips split into a wide smile. “Good morning.”

“Is that your version of a breakfast in bed?” Adam asked and rolled over to his back, like a cat eager for belly rubs. Would Emil take the hint? They’d taken the room keys from the kitchen cupboard when they arrived and locked themselves in, so they might as well take advantage of the privacy.

Emil laughed, flexing his tattooed arms a little bit. “No, it’s an offering. You don’t have one in your room. Better safe than sorry.”

Adam’s lips fell, and he sucked in air as he stared at the bowl, at once both terrified by its presence and excessively salivating. “No… why would you do that after what happened last night?” he asked, his limbs stiff as wooden branches.

Emil frowned. “It’s exactly why I’m doing it. This entity told you your god has no place in this valley. He might be some kind of spirit who used to be worshipped here, and whether he is Chort or something else, he must operate on rules preserved in folklore. Until we work out how to get rid of him, you need to find… common ground with him. Appease him.”

“I don’t think attracting him is such a good idea. You think he hates me because I’m a priest of a different God?” Adam whispered, sitting up on the bed and letting his bare feet touch the floor. Its cool surface was too soothing for words and helped Adam steady his agitated heart.

Emil put the bowl in a shadowy corner on the floor and sat next to Adam. “Why do you think he hates you?”