“Let’s take care of that foot first, hm?”

Sandro picked him up with ease, and even the sore ass didn’t bother Kevin when he was in his Daddy’s arms like this. They moved to the kitchen, and Sandro sat him down on the marble countertop, which was pleasantly cool against Kevin’s skin through the thin cotton pajamas.

Sandro got the first aid kit from one of the cupboards and took Kevin’s foot in his hands, washing it before applying some kind of antiseptic spray and wrapping it with a clean bandage.

“I have no family,” Sandro said, surprising Kevin, who thought taking care of his minor injury had been Sandro’s way of changing the subject, but maybe he’d just needed time to organize his thoughts. Either way, Sandro had all of Kevin’s attention.

“I’m so sorry.” Kevin stroked Sandro’s forearm.

“I lost them a long time ago, when I was about your age. There was an explosion in our building back in Sicily. My mother had sent me out shopping so it was pure coincidence that I survived.”

Kevin could find no words to soothe such pain, so he pulled on Sandro’s arm, and hugged him, sliding closer to the edge of the counter.

“What I’m trying to say is that you’re very dear to me,” Sandro said and kissed Kevin’s ear, wrapping his arms around him. “Whenever I’m back here with you, back home, you make me feel like I’m not alone in the world. No money can buy that. I’ve had boys here before who either treated me as their cash cow, or a stepping stone to get somewhere else. I don’t know where we’re going, or what will happen between us, but I know you’re genuine with me, and I appreciate that very much, sweet thing.”

Kevin’s eyes welled up again, this time for very different reasons. “I’m so happy to be here for you, Daddy. You make me feel safe. I was terrified yesterday, but you came to my rescue like some knight in shining armor. I love learning to cook for you, and I have a Christmas gift too.” He pulled back enough to kiss Sandro on the lips, so relieved that they were once more on the same page.

Sandro usually seemed so easy going, and seeing these new sides of him—the fierce protector and the vulnerable man who suffered like anyone else—made Kevin fall for him harder.

Sandro smirked in that playful way Kevin loved. “I know you do, since I bought it.”

He meant the sexy Christmas elf outfit, and he’d get that too, but Kevin didn’t just rely on easy solutions. “Not that, Daddy!” He shoved at Sandro’s arm. “I made something for you.”

Sandro was paying for everything and would have known if Kevin got him something, so going handmade was the only way to surprise him.

Kevin slid off the counter and gave Sandro a quick hug. “I’ll change and shower and everything, and we’ll do presents by the tree, okay?”

Sandro’s smile widened and he stroked Kevin’s hair. “I’d love that.”

Chapter 9

“No peeking!” Kevin yelled from the corridor.

“Okay, okay, my eyes are closed,” Sandro answered with a chuckle.

Only once Kevin made sure that the coast was clear did he walk out with his gift, a large painting wrapped in patterned paper, and put it by the tall Christmas tree. The round bells on his outfit jingled with every step, no doubt piquing Sandro’s appetite for something spicier. But they would be wholesome first.

Sandro sat on a fluffy sheepskin rug in front of the fireplace, making the coziest picture with the flames crackling behind him. He wore a pair of jeans and a cheesy green T-shirt with rows of reindeer chasing snowflakes. Even though it was barely nine in the morning, he was sipping red wine.

And despite his earlier insistence on Kevin cleaning up the bauble, he’d done it for him while Kevin was getting ready.

Kevin switched on a playlist of Christmas songs he’d prepared and dashed back into the corridor. “Okay! You can look,” he said and giggled at Sandro’s disappointed groan.

“Where’s my elf?”

Kevin slipped out his leg from behind the corner in tune with music, and the bells attached to the top of his candy cane-patterned stocking chimed.

“Ooh. I like this.” Sandro whistled. “More!”

Kevin shimmied out into view with his backside to Sandro. He looked over his shoulder at Daddy’s massive grin. No wonder. Half of Kevin’s ass was on show in the green lacy panties with a massive bow on the small of his back. On top, he wore a cropped green hoodie with a red collar. The hood was long and trimmed with yet more bells.

He would forget all about secrets and the fact that his ass ached from the punishment, because Daddy needed him. Kevin would show Sandro that he never had to feel alone again.

“You better get that sweet ass over here fast.” Sandro chuckled and downed his wine without taking his eyes off his prize.