Kevin loved having a man to call Daddy, loved being cute for him, loved being showered with attention, and loved being taken care of. He loved cooking for his Daddy, getting praise, and joking around. He loved being teased, fucked, sucked, rimmed, and adored.

He loved Sandro.

Kevin took a deep breath and grabbed the belt despite dreading the punishment already. He remembered that spanking he’d gotten as a taster all too well. Far from fun and games, it had hurt and left his ass bruised for days. He could only imagine the pain a belt would cause.

But what was he to do? If he wanted to stay, he had to comply and accept Daddy’s decision.

Sandro awaited him in the living room, by the dining table, but his expression was made of stone even as Kevin passed him the leather belt.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” he mumbled.

“Rules are rules, no matter how cute you are. Pull down your pants and place your hands on the table.”

Kevin sighed but he wouldn’t fight anymore. This would hurt, but at least if he complied, the whole argument would go away. He hated hearing Sandro muse whether they were a good match, because the two of them were perfect together, and Kevin would prove it by being Daddy’s good boy.

He pulled his pajama pants down to his knees, obediently presenting his buttocks for punishment. His heart beat like mad when a tiny voice whispered to Kevin about mutiny. It said that he could just leave. That he didn’t have to accept this humiliation or live by some stupid rules, and that he could find dick elsewhere.

But that voice would never convince Kevin, because his love for Sandro was about so much more than money or obedience. He would allow his Daddy to discipline him because it was what Sandro needed to keep seeing him as the trusting boy he wanted at his side. Sandro was his first and only love, and no man could ever match him in that regard.

“What is this punishment for, Kevin?”

Kevin had to take a deep breath to clear his head. “For snooping where you told me not to, Daddy.”

“Five. Count for me and think about what you’ve done.”

The first smack came before Kevin could have thought of anything at all, but he counted out loud nevertheless. The licks of the belt hurt, but he was very aware that Sandro was in no way putting all his strength into the punishment. His strength could break a man’s nose by smashing it against the floor.

This was about control and dominance much more than it ever could be about the pain in Kevin’s ass, even if the fourth stroke hurt like a motherfucker and made Kevin yelp as he danced on his toes, unable to stay still. He trembled and gasped for air, both looking forward to the last stroke of the belt and fearing it all the same.

Kevin didn’t know if the last one was harder or if his skin was just too sensitive to take another blow, but hot tears spilled down his cheeks, and he sobbed, overwhelmed with both agony and relief.

He hid his face in his arms and rubbed his forehead on the cool table top. “I’m so sorry I disappointed you, Daddy. I was so scared yesterday, and it all came down to that room, and I got so twisted up about it, but please don’t send me away… I’m not bad, or disobedient, I just get overwhelmed sometimes.”

Sandro’s hand was on the small of his back to soothe him with slow strokes. “I know, baby. I never said you were bad.” He pulled him into a hug that felt like falling into a newly-washed comforter after a year of living in the forest.

Kevin’s ass throbbed with a hot ache, yet he clung to the man who’d inflicted the suffering on him, because Sandro meant well. He’d taken on the responsibility of caring for Kevin, had hardly denied him anything, and Kevin had still disobeyed one of the few rules that Sandro had established.

“Thank you for giving me another chance,” Kevin said, looking up into Sandro’s eyes. “You’re everything I need. I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with that door. Maybe because I want to know everything about you. I want to be close to you, Daddy.”

Sandro kissed Kevin and leaned down to pull up his pants. “You are, baby. I hope you believe it when I tell you I’ve never had a boy like you. So open to me, so honest. I don’t want to lose you. I wish I could bring you into every part of my life, but I’ve made a decision against it, and it’s for your own good. You have to trust me on that.”

Kevin melted in the sunshine of Sandro’s compliments, and as much as he wanted to ask about the room, he kept his mouth shut. He wrapped his arms around Sandro’s waist more tightly. “What can you tell me? I want to know you, Daddy.”