Taron made a strangled grunt when he came. Colin greedily swallowed, sucking on the cockhead until there was no more left. Taron was still gasping for air, but their time together had to come to an end, and Colin needed to remove himself from the car.

From Taron’s life.

He’d never been so unhappy.

With Taron’s warm taste still lingering on Colin’s lips, he sat up, struggling for breath as his lungs refused to accept any more air. Colin took his hands off Taron and rubbed his shoulders, looking out at the fake normalcy of life that awaited him.

Taron squeezed Colin’s hand. For a few seconds, he just watched him, but then leaned in for a kiss, grabbing the sides of Colin’s head. He was a fast learner, because since their first kiss, Taron’s first ever kiss, his lips had become Colin’s addiction. A day hadn’t gone by without a make-out session somewhere. Taron put all of his passion into their locked lips, but it only prolonged the agony of having to leave the truck.

Colin broke it off, gasping loudly the moment he was back in his seat. The darkness provided just enough light for them to see each other, and he was ashamed that Taron was seeing him with the twisted features, once again so near tears Colin couldn’t trust himself to speak.

So he signed.

Taron answered without a smile. He wouldn’t blink, as if he didn’t want to lose even half a second of Colin’s presence.

At loss, Colin exhaled, struggling to explain it himself, but eventually he settled on,

Colin leaned forward and took hold of Taron’s hands, desperate to be understood. “No. I only feel like myself when I’m with you. And if you still want that… please, take me home,” he ended in a whisper.

Taron smiled and pulled Colin’s hands to his lips for a kiss. He had to let go to sign, but it took ages until he responded.

Colin nodded and put his arms around Taron’s neck, leaning above the handbrake digging into his side. A sense of peace settled over him the moment Taron held him close, and he rubbed their cheeks together, wishing to mark Taron with his own scent, even though there wasn’t anyone trying to take his man away.

Maybe that fucking audiobook had been right. Maybe change was always good, even if difficult.

Chapter Nineteen

Colin’s hand was warm on Taron’s. It was no longer smooth and soft, like when they’d first met. After weeks of physical work, there were rougher patches on the palm, and even a recent cut that Taron could sense against his skin.

For once, the air was clear of lies, and secrets and with no more words needed to express how they felt about one another, the two of them settled into a comfortable silence. Taron could hardly believe Colin had the choice to go home, and had decided to stay with him instead. Despite all the pain and fear Taron had caused him, despite the fight they’d had earlier, Colin still wanted to stay.

Throughout the drive home, Colin shifted closer, until his head ended up resting on Taron’s shoulder, one arm curled around Taron’s.

Their life would look different without the collar around Colin’s neck. They had to plan for a future together, one that was built for them both. Perhaps they would have to eventually reveal Colin’s whereabouts to the authorities, even if just for their peace of mind, but it wasn’t something they needed to concern themselves with just yet.

Some parts of Taron were still aching and tender after the hateful words Colin had thrown at him, but none of that mattered if the outcome made him glow with happiness. There was peace in his heart, and knowing that the man he loved felt the same about him would heal any wounds he’d caused. Neither of them was entirely blameless anyway.

Once they drove off the asphalt road and down the familiar path into the woods, he moved his arm to rest around Colin, smiling when he remembered him asking to be taken home. They would soon arrive, and Taron would take all night to show Colin just how welcome he was.

Having another person around would mean changes for the homestead, but Taron was more excited than worried about that for the first time. Colin spoke, as if he’d read his mind.

“I wonder if they held a vigil for me at the university. There was this one professor who liked me, so maybe she cared to organize something. I bet the people present would have been a collection of my past hook ups and some people who feel everyone deserves to be remembered.”