Taron’s beard was silky against Colin’s sensitive balls, and he spread his thighs without thinking, to get his head around the unexpected sensation. He rested his elbows on the mattress and glanced Taron’s way, legs already trembling.

He could do this. He didn’t need to like a guy to fuck him and enjoy it. During his online hook up times, he’d often wished his partners would keep their mouths shut so he wouldn’t have to deal with whatever shit they had to say. This would be the same. Just a fuck. He wasn’t a monk planning to spend the rest of his life celibate just because Taron had decided to keep him here.

Taron sucked in the cockhead, making Colin’s thighs tremble from the pleasure. His ass flexed, rising from the mattress ever-so-slightly as the instinct to go deeper settled at the back of his mind. It had been a while. Taron had jerked him off too many times to count, but he’d never been even remotely interested in giving Colin head—something that couldn’t be explained for fear of losing his dick. And now? Colin’s resolve that he didn’t need Taron for anything melted away, leaving behind raw lust, which he channeled into the hand he tightened on Taron’s hair.

He wasn’t giving in. He was taking whatever he needed, and that was his little victory. Taron rubbed those strong hands up and down Colin’s thighs, and sucked his dick as if this was the last blowjob he’d ever get to give. For once, Colin felt in control. Even if Taron had hurt him so badly the wound would never heal, he still held the reins at this moment.

Or was he just delusional because he craved sex too much?

His cockhead popped out of Taron’s mouth with a loud damp noise, and the cool air on the sensitive flesh sent Colin’s brain into overdrive. The moment Taron sucked him back in, caressing his balls with one of his big, skillful hands, he knew this wasn’t enough. Taron’s tongue was hot and soft as it caressed the shaft, but the sweetness of this blowjob only fueled Colin’s anger.

He hated it, and he hated Taron for showing his true face two weeks ago.

Choking on a growl, Colin grabbed Taron’s shoulders and pulled him up, his legs already spread as wide as the bed allowed. He hissed at the pain flashing through the healing one, but the makeshift brace was secure enough. All he needed was to get this fuck out of his system. For Taron to plow him senseless. No kisses or caresses, just a dick doing its job.

Taron didn’t need to be a nice person to give that much.

But Taron’s hungry eyes pinned Colin to the bed as the two of them landed face to face. His heart stopped beating.

No. He didn’t want to look at Taron. He just wanted the fuck. Rough, hard, and fast. As wicked as Taron.

That bastard was holding his heart in his oversized fist and squeezing it so hard Colin had to get away from him. He rolled over with so much haste his leg slapped against Taron’s thigh, but the sudden discomfort wouldn’t be enough to stop him, because the pain in his heart was way worse than any physical injury could have been.

“Lube,” he barked, burying his face in the sheets that had already absorbed some of the dampness from his body. Taron wasn’t on him yet, but Colin could sense the heat radiating from him as if it were physical touch. For once, he was glad Taron was barely able to speak, because the bastard wouldn’t be asking any unnecessary questions.

He waited seconds until the thick fingers he knew so well slipped between his buttocks, and he resented just how much he welcomed their touch. Two elements fought inside of him. Fire—making water evaporate, and water—extinguishing fire. He loved and hated all at once, and it was all Taron’s fault. He’d been just fine with lukewarm fuck dates and feeling absolutely nothing for his lovers, other than lust for their bodies.

With time, that would be all he felt for Taron too, but first he needed to forget all the good times and focus on what a crappy human being he was. Taron was a murderer, an abductor who kept Colin in a collar and used him for sex. None of their times together had been consensual in the true meaning of the word, so Colin refused to have any qualms when it came to using Taron for his own satisfaction either.

He wanted to be fucked hard enough to forget all the memories that were confusing him about the kind of relationship they had.

Colin gasped when Taron’s finger teased his hole, but with the improvised leg brace, their current position was distracting him from the sensations he craved. Biting his lips in anger, he backed away, placing both his feet on the floor, and speared himself on the digit.