Colin swallowed, staring at the tendons in Taron’s neck trembling under his skin. “There are many people who don’t deserve to be here. That’s why everyone loves a vigilante. Out there, in the world, we like to pretend we live by some kind of high moral code, but at heart we all want revenge.”

Taron took a deep raspy breath, and clenched and unclenched his fists.

Colin squeezed Taron’s wrist and stepped into his personal space, his heart skipping a beat when the damp green of Taron’s eyes flashed his way. “He deserved it. I understand why you did it. And I know why you don’t want to let me go. It sucks that I can’t just drive to the store or see a movie, but I understand why you’re doing it.”

Their eyes locked, making tension rise in Colin’s body as if he were once again seeing a broken arm swell into an unnatural shape. Lightheaded, and unable to speak, he just stared back.

Taron communicated in the end, making some of the knots in Colin’s chest unwind.

They stood motionless in the sun, Colin’s body experiencing the after-sex soreness, and his heart still agitated by McGraw’s intrusion. He wasn’t sure where it would all lead, but he wanted to earn Taron’s trust, even if he was to misuse it in the future.

“Why didn’t you want to kiss me?” he asked when the silence stretched out a little too long.

Taron rubbed his face, messing up his beard, but answered.

Colin’s gaze was drawn to Taron’s lips. The fact that they were so easily visible was yet more proof that the beard had been trimmed during Taron’s visit in town. An intense color and smooth, they tempted Colin all the more now that he hadn’t gotten a taste of them when he’d wanted to. “Are you really telling me no one wanted to kiss a beefcake like you?” he asked, pulling his fingers through the soft, fragrant beard.

Taron shook his head, but still smirked.

Colin sucked on his bottom lip, drawn to the heat of Taron’s body like a cat to a laser dot. “Maybe I could be your first then?”

Taron snorted.

Colin frowned, seconds from retreating.

He was offended. He really fucking was.

“Tough luck, because you said yourself I’m not going anywhere.”

“So it’s awkward. We can’t exactly fuck and then pretend the other doesn’t exist for the rest of the semester, like I’d do out there. We’re stuck here, and that means we need to make things run smoothly.”

Taron cocked his head.

This time, Colin did step away. “What is that supposed to mean? It’s only natural to maintain physical contact with the person you’re fucking on the regular!”

Taron followed him and grabbed his hand.

The way Taron leaned over him—sturdy like a brick wall—turned Colin’s insides into hot vapor. “What did you think I’d want? Fuck and then not speak to each other for the rest of the day?”

Taron rubbed his thumb over Colin’s wrist, and even though Colin thought he was pumped out for now, that small touch had excitement dripping to his cock.

Colin swallowed, stuck in that weird state between lust and latent anger. Taron was too attractive. Why would a guy who chose to live like a hermit, with only animals for company, be this hot? It just wasn’t fair. “Put your hands on my hips,” he said in the end, meeting the green gaze.

Taron didn’t hesitate to follow that instruction, but quickly deviated from it and slipped his fingers to Colin’s ass. Colin took a sharp inhale, falling into Taron’s arms. Once he was there, surrounded by the fragrant heat of his bare chest and arms, he couldn’t be his usual eloquent self any longer. Swallowing the scent of Taron’s flesh in big gulps, he moved his hands to the handsome face, caressing the tanned skin and gently pulling on the smooth beard. “Now open your lips and kiss me. Slowly.”

Taron didn’t close his eyes as he lowered his head so that his lips could meet Colin’s. The beard tickled Colin’s face, smooth and smelling of sandalwood. Did he visit the barber for Colin’s sake, or was it a luxury he afforded himself from time to time? Colin guessed it was the former, and it tickled his ego, because Taron had gotten that done before ever knowing he’d get to fuck Colin again.

That thought made the kiss sweet. At first gentle, as if Colin were fragile porcelain, Taron kissed him with short pecks, only teasing his tongue into the mix once Colin opened his lips in invitation, scratching up Taron’s sides.