Colin frowned. “Okay, that’s something. What did he do though to deserve… that?”

Taron turned away and put on his underwear. He ignored the question in favor of pulling on the collar. Colin needed to understand he wasn’t in charge. The sooner the better.

Colin let out a growl reminiscent of a frustrated chihuahua. “If I’m to stay here, you can’t just ignore me.”

Taron took his time to have a look at the marks he’d made with his teeth. He tugged on the chain attached to Colin’s neck, intent on getting Colin’s clothes later. They needed a thorough wash even more desperately than Colin’s body had.

But Colin refused to leave and dug his heels into the muddy ground. “I’m not a cow.”

Taron rolled his eyes.

Colin raised his chin, stubborn despite his nakedness. “I am a person, and you should treat me as such.”

Taron pulled on the lead, but only managed to make Colin slide over the mud a couple of inches. he tried, frustrated by the lack of cooperation.

Colin shook his head. “No. I’m not your pet. You can’t satisfy me with treats.”

Taron growled and didn’t try to drag him along anymore. He walked up to Colin, and as that chatty mouth was opening already, he grabbed Colin and threw him over his shoulder.

Despite his worries, Colin didn’t struggle. He just wouldn’t shut up.

“Oh, that’s great. You’re doing so well earning my respect right now. Because you know what? It’s hard to respect someone who doesn’t offer the same to you.”

Taron slapped his ass. Not too hard, just to get his point across as he carried Colin back home. Fun time was up for both of them, because when Colin kicked, his toes hit Taron way too close to the crotch for his liking. “Put me the fuck down! Right now,” he shouted, following it with a sudden jab to the spine with the bound hands.

So Taron did put Colin down. He dropped him to the grass unceremoniously. Being a nice piece of ass didn’t mean the boy would be allowed this kind of behavior. He grabbed the collar and pulled Colin up a bit.

“No. We just fucked, and I’m not allowing you to treat me like this. What the hell is wrong with you?” Colin asked, slapping Taron’s hand. He was showing his teeth now, his chestnut eyes looking for weakness in Taron’s resolve.

Which meant Taron had to remain stern. What did Colin think he was going to buy with sex? A boyfriend?

Colin stretched, staring back at him with defiance. “Where? I’m not going back to the cage.”

Oh, so this was how it was gonna be? Taron grabbed the rope attached to Colin’s wrists and dragged him over the grass. It would be unpleasant enough without actually causing permanent damage. Most of all, it would show Colin he didn’t call the shots.

Colin yelped, but instead of getting up to avoid more discomfort, he delivered a precise kick into the back of Taron’s knee, making him stumble. He was a wild animal that still refused to be tamed.

They weren’t far from the house, and two cats had come to witness the fight from the porch, but Taron wouldn’t risk getting more bruises while dragging Colin back down.

It took Colin a few seconds to understand Taron was mocking his words, but he sneered in response and kicked Taron’s legs again. “I got molested instead, so there you go! You can’t have it both ways!”

Taron grabbed Colin’s leg and kneeled down, tackling the boy to tie up his kicky feet as well. He was done with this bullshit. He’d had a good life here, all on his own, on his land, away from nosy fuckers, but people still had to meddle, and then complain when they got their noses snapped in the door.

He was almost done with the ankles when Colin punched him with his bound hands, hammering them against the back of his head. “No! Let me go!”

Taron’s vision briefly went red, and he punched back without thinking. Colin’s head dropped into the grass and he hid his face with his arms, shuddering as he kept in another scream.

Taron could only hope the struggle would now stop. He didn’t want to hit Colin, but he wouldn’t be a punching bag either. He picked up the unresisting boy and carried him back to the house. He’d lost enough time on this bullshit.

Colin stayed silent until they reached the house, but the moment Taron’s boots thudded on the porch, Colin moaned and moved his fingers up his back. “Let me stay upstairs. I can’t stand the fucking cage. Could you?”