He chewed his lip when Colin’s ass tensed right in front of his soft cock, almost as if Colin were trying to tempt him into another round. But Colin wouldn’t stop struggling, and in the end Taron felt compelled to slap his ass hard enough to make it a lesson.

Colin shrieked, curling his shoulders and stilling at last. Hunched over and no longer physically resisting, he wheezed before exploding into a rant that was clearly not meant for Taron’s ears, since Colin wasn’t looking back.

“Selfish fuck! You’re not the fucking king of the universe. I have a future ahead of me, and what? Am I to be a living sex doll? Can’t believe this is happening to me. I should have never listened to that goddamn audiobook. I should have just stayed on my route and gotten mediocre cock every week. So you fuck like some forest sex god. Big fucking deal if you’re such a douchebag. A big dick isn’t everything!”

Taron snorted. He couldn’t help it. So Colin liked a big dick. He hadn’t been lying about being gay just to appease Taron. He’d figured that much out from Colin’s glances and just how quick Colin’s cock had shot up at the touch, but this was something else. Colin had really liked the sex. Satisfied, Taron slipped his fingers to Colin’s ass with a happy groan.

Colin glanced over his shoulder, arching into the touch regardless of the angry tirade. “What’s so funny?”

Taron smirked and turned Colin around to watch his face. He should keep up the deception to hear more such juicy bits, but he was an impulsive man and couldn’t pass on this one.

Colin’s face went from confusion to utter horror, and the small, terrified sound that escaped his throat tickled Taron’s pride. His captive went stiff as if his blood had been replaced with wax, and when Taron squeezed Colin’s shoulders, the boy rapidly spun around, uttering a low sob.

Taron stilled. The fuck was he supposed to do with that? He’d dealt with Colin’s tantrums when he’d been in the cage, but this was something else. He stood there for a while, unsure what to do, but when endless seconds passed, he turned off the water, and gathered Colin into his arms.

Taron wasn’t a hugger, and even more so, he wasn’t a cuddler, but he could think of no other way to soothe Colin.

Now that they were close, he could sense the boy’s intense heartbeat and the pressure of Colin’s chest expanding as he took deep, frantic breaths. “Y-you can hear… why didn’t you tell me you can hear?”

Taron sighed and nuzzled Colin’s ear. He wasn’t letting go of the boy just to sign. Colin shuddered but eventually pushed into Taron’s arms. “All I’m saying is… that I’m a human being. I know you might be used to only having the cats around, but I’m not a cat.”

At least he wasn’t crying anymore, because hearing him sob right after sex had been surprisingly unpleasant. Taron pulled away, but stroked Colin’s hair for a while.

Colin watched him with shiny eyes and a set to his mouth. “You stole mine. And I’m really trying here. I’m trying to meet you halfway.”

Taron ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation.

Colin wouldn’t look away, and his Adam’s apple bobbed, but the raw fear that had been such a prominent presence in his pretty eyes when he first came here was no longer there. He was listening and calculating what he could negotiate. And Taron knew, because he would have done the same. “What do you intend with me in the long run? Why did you have this cage in the first place?”

Colin took a deep breath. “There’s no need to get agitated. You know why I’m asking. I saw you kill a guy. Are you planning to get rid of me too, or did you kill him because he wasn’t willing to put out?”

Taron let out a growl. Peter had deserved exactly what he got. He spelled out ‘plan’ just to be sure he was understood. He would do what was necessary, because he wouldn’t be taken away from his land, from his life’s work, and his cats just because Colin had decided to take a shortcut.

Taron wasn’t a psycho, but he still chose to live outside of society and its rules. One day soon, the world built with modern technology would crumble, and Taron would be the guy who had the foresight and provisions to ensure survival. Tough luck for those who’d try to take it all from him, because Taron had a collection of guns and enough ammo to live through a siege. Not to mention the bunker where he could safely wait out the bad times.