“I just want all of us back together, you know?” Clover kissed Pyro’s ear, more relieved by the minute. Pyro still wasn’t in a state of equilibrium, but Clover finally felt heard and seen. “I want to see you joking and teasing me, not always just looking to break shit. You’ve shown me more of you tonight than in all the time we’ve known each other. I love you like this too. Not just as the fun guy.”

Pyro watched him, his green gaze so hypnotizing Clover was surprised to feel warm fingers lifting his chin. “It feels good to talk to you like this.”

Clover ran his hand up and down Pyro’s side and smiled gently. “I just wish I wasn’t crying all the time. It’s embarrassing.”

Pyro kissed him. “You can cry around me, baby. And if it makes you feel better, I cry about Boar when no one can see. Some days, his absence is just so overwhelming I can’t take it.”

It became easier to breathe again. “You can cry around me too, baby,” Clover said, unable to stop the silly grin.

Pyro snorted and pressed his nose to Clover’s. “We should cry together. In pleasure.”

“God, you’re dumb,” Clover laughed. “Are you seriously hitting on me right now?” But he ran his hand up Pyro’s chest, for once feeling that they weren’t two pieces of a different puzzle desperately trying to slot together.

Pyro pushed back Clover’s hair. “Hey, you were the one who said you wanted me cracking jokes. Or is that… not what you want right now?” he asked, and his smile dropped right away.

Clover kissed the bruise growing on Pyro’s jaw. “I do. I want all of you. Not just the fun side, not just the sexy side. You don’t have to pretend anything when you’re with me.”

Pyro swallowed, watching him for a long time. “I want all of you too. Not as like… something complementary to what Boar and I have. If you want more, then I’m game. I am so game, Clo.”

Clover stared back at him in silence, but what Pyro said truly hit him, and he could no longer hold back his emotions. That was what he wanted, totally, absolutely, and with all confidence. He had no idea he’d been waiting for this, but once those lovely words reached his ears, he couldn’t kiss Pyro fast enough.

He climbed into Pyro’s lap so fast they both fell back to the metal bed of the pickup, but Clover wouldn’t stop clinging to Pyro, drunk on the fresh connection. Pyro’s tongue dove into his mouth, stroking it, as if instead of claiming territory, he wanted to explore for once. His hands rolled up and down Clover’s chest, creating warmth and chasing away unpleasant memories, and even the hurt feelings from earlier.

He used to think things between them were stable enough but he realized they hadn’t come together until now in the first place.

“I just can’t stay away from you,” Clover whispered between one kiss and another, exploring every inch of Pyro’s back with his fingers. When Pyro looked at him, Clover didn’t just see hunger for sex, but so much more. Pyro was gentler too, and this new kind of touch made Clover realize they’d never had sex that didn’t include dirty, filthy talk. It was always hot, but Clover had meant what he said about wanting to know all of Pyro. He wanted to see his emotions, and he was willing to open up his own heart even wider, if that was what it took.

The trees above them hummed, but the heat of Pyro’s body kept Clover warm and protected from the elements and anything else that might encroach. Whatever happened once they located Boar, this moment would give them strength to survive all the difficulties to come.

Pyro’s naked chest rubbed against Clover’s, and as he trailed hot kisses along Clover’s jaw, his fingers headed between Clover’s legs. “Do you like that?”

Clover nodded. “I want to be close.” Riding this high, he had no doubt they would get Boar back, and he would once more see Pyro carefree, eating cotton candy at a fair. He wrapped his arms around Pyro’s neck and once more kissed him, relishing the taste of his tongue. Whatever they’d do would be quick, but he was sure Pyro needed to connect as much as he did.

Pyro was usually very to the point about his advances, and Clover loved that about him, but the squeeze around his crotch and the kisses made Clover forget at least some of the bad things he’d been through. Pyro cared about him too, and knowing this for certain felt so good he couldn’t help but arch against him.

“Yes. I want your cum on my skin, baby.” Pyro whispered, rolling on top and dragging his hips along Clover’s. He was the human equivalent of a stick of dynamite, but Clover wasn’t afraid to play with fire around him. Despite the tattooed skin and blue hair, Pyro was as human on the inside as anyone else, and craved affection the same way Clover did.