“Who would have thought my boy’s so smart?” Tank’s warm smile needed kissing, so Clover climbed to his toes to press their mouths together once more.

By the time they managed to separate and leave Tank’s ensuite in the huge apartment on the top floor of a beautiful modern hotel, the others were already out of their rooms and gathered in the large living space.

Furnished in gray and black, with bright yellow accents in the form of curtains, pillows, and twin armchairs, the room was an eclectic mix of styles, which featured a statement wall lined with large concrete slabs, as well as an antique clock by the window. Opulent, and with a very high ceiling, it was luxurious while staying classy rather than pretentious. And, Clover was sure, it must have cost loads.

Pyro sat on the huge black sofa in just his briefs, cutting tangles out of Boar’s beard. He wasn’t doing a good job, but Boar kept laughing, so that was a good sign. Naked next to Pyro, he couldn’t have looked more relaxed, yet Clover frowned at the bruises and scars covering his flesh.

“Are you okay, Boar? You haven’t told us much about what happened.” Clover said as Pyro complained about Boar moving around too much.

Boar’s face fell. “How about we leave it for tomorrow? Tonight, I just want to enjoy your presence. All of you. Even that Grim Reaper over there.” He pointed to a pensive Drake by the kitchen island. “He’s making me drinks all night.”

Clover nodded. He understood Boar’s desire to feel normal, to not be seen through the prism of pain.

Pyro held Boar’s hand in his, showing off a gap in his lover’s fingers. “Look, we’re missing the same finger. Destiny.”

Clover smiled at Boar. “You know I’d have cut mine off if it meant taking back all that happened.”

Boar urged him closer with a gesture. “No need to be so dramatic, baby. I know. I just want you close.”

Clover ran up to him and hugged Boar’s head to his chest, relieved when one of his big hands slid under the robe and held Clover.

The wooden blinds only let in some daylight, but its warm color was a confirmation that the worst was over. They’d eaten all too much pizza right after arriving here, and the boxes remained piled up in the kitchenette area, but the lingering food coma was gone after the shower, and while none of them had rested last night, sleep seemed so unnecessary when every part of their group so clearly longed to reconnect and become a harmonious whole once more.

“More?” Drake asked, coming over with a bottle of wine, and Pyro greedily offered him an empty glass.

“I think this is the only drink I want now…” Boar murmured, unwrapping Clover’s robe and kissing his pec.

The relaxed expression on Boar’s handsome face, the sense of still being wanted made Clover loosen up in an instant. “All yours.”

“You don’t want a Piña Colada, Clo? You know I can provide,” Pyro said and cupped his crotch.

It made Clover burst with laughter and he shoved at Pyro’s shoulder as Boar trailed kisses all the way to his nipple.

Pyro looked up at Tank. “I never told you, but—”

Clover squealed and tried to cover Pyro’s mouth, but Boar pulled him back with a laugh.

“--I made Clo a drink with my cum at your gran’s.”

“What a shocking surprise. Would have never expected it of you,” Tank said in a stern voice that made Clover chuckle.

But any comments Clover might have made were drowned by a moan when Boar’s newly shortened beard tickled the skin around his nipple. A hot, nimble tongue skirted across the piece of sensitive skin, and the electricity it produced shot all the way to Clover’s feet, making his toes curl.

“Oh, Boar. I’ve missed you so, so bad. You have no idea,” he whispered, cupping the face that had never been more handsome, despite the ugly cuts.

Boar stroked Clover’s back, running his fingers up and down Clover’s spine. “You know I missed you because I love you, but damn did I miss sex with you, Clo. You can’t even imagine how fucking thirsty I am.”

The surprising declaration had heat trailing along the same paths as Boar’s fingers.

Clover shrugged the robe to the floor, for once confident in knowing exactly what to do. “Whatever you want.”

Boar’s eyes went darker, and he rubbed his hand over Clover’s chest. He pulled on Clover’s hair, bringing their mouths together, and the kiss was like coming home. Warm, sweet, yet solid, Boar was the embodiment of the peace Clover had found with his four men, and after such a long time apart, Clover was greedy to explore Boar’s changed body. The firm chest rose under his touch, but it was only when Clover opened his eyes that he saw Pyro lapping at Boar’s balls with languid strokes of his tongue.