Boar was right behind him, holding his elbow as if he were worried about Pyro’s balance after so much liquor. “See you in a bit.”

Jolene urged Clover to rise. “I need to show you the peacock.”

Pyro allowed Boar to lead him out despite knowing this was an intervention. He hated those as much as he needed them sometimes.

But he still downed that last drink before his partner manager to tear him away from the table.

The large hands on his shoulders offered comfort but didn’t do much in terms of extinguishing the agitation burning in his chest.

The air outside felt icy cold against his warm skin, so he quickly reached into his pocket, and its emptiness made him face the fact that he’d quit smoking long ago. He should have borrowed some of Drake’s.

“Thought you could use some air,” Boar said, and his caring, understanding nature now bothered Pyro for no reason at all.

The bird chirping was yet another source of annoyance. Nothing, not even a moment alone in the quiet garden with the man he loved brought him joy anymore. “You wanna fuck or something?”

Boar scowled, his broad shoulders hunching. “What is up with you?”

Pyro shrugged and opened his pants. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

“What the hell? I’m not in the mood.”

Pyro groaned and shoved him back. “Chill, I just want to pee. Jeez.”

Boar spread his arms. “Here? Seriously?”

Pyro grabbed his dick and exhaled when the stream of piss hit the decorative plants. “They don’t have enough water in Nevada, right? Those need all they can get.”

Boar didn’t say anything, just stepped back, then hugged Pyro from behind and put his fluffy chin on Pyro’s shoulder.

Pyro groaned, but since he didn’t really feel like fucking either, he tucked his cock back in and stood still, looking at the sky. “What?”

“You’re all twitchy. Is it the family reunion thing? I know you don’t like those.” Even the tender kiss to his ear couldn’t extinguish the fire of Pyro’s annoyance.

“I’m over that. I’m practically an orphan anyway,” he said but took hold of the forearm resting against his chest. Boar smelled good tonight. Like a fluffy blanket he wanted to roll into.

“You know who else is an orphan. Have you ever talked to Clover about it? Maybe sharing this experience would make things easier?”

Pyro rolled his eyes. “Sure. That’s a great idea. Because he loves whiners so much.”

The cool night around them was helping with Pyro’s dizziness. He had a strong head, so he really must have overdone it.

“What are you saying?”

Pyro didn’t understand why Boar bothered to be so patient with him, but that was his personality, and Pyro had fallen in love with it from day one. But he’d never say anything so sappy out loud.

“I’m saying that he likes me when I’m fun, dangerous, and strong, and all that shit. If I cried on his shoulder, his dick would never rise for me again,” Pyro said, struggling to rein in his tongue, which felt too large in his mouth.

Boar stroked Pyro’s chest but eventually pulled him to a dainty bench by a bush with flowers that shouldn’t have been growing in this climate.

“You don’t know that. Tank is playing the boyfriend role when we’re out in public, but you know Clover’s yours too.”

What a joke. If Boar really believed that, he was blinded by his own good heart. “Nah, I’m just a hot dick to him. We’re buddies, but let’s not pretend he’s as close with me as he’s with you or Drake, or Tank,” Pyro said, shrugging.

He’d always lived his life without relying on illusions and wasn’t about to start now.

Boar pulled on Pyro’s chin. “The fuck? Where’s all this coming from? He’s crazy about you.”

Pyro laughed. “Yeah, he is. Crazy about that D and what it can do. But don’t worry. It’s not like I’m single,” he said and grabbed Boar’s hand. Maybe he could spin this into sex after all? Fuck the frustration out of his system and give Boar some peace while they were at it?

Boar exhaled, his kind eyes locking with Pyro’s. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I don’t like thinking about the family I lost either, but we’ve got each other, and that’s family too, right? Even if weird, criminal, and incestuous?”

Pyro rested his forehead against Boar’s shoulder, his arms sliding around the familiar shape of his man. “You’re crazy. I can only be like this with you. So maybe that makes you my family, if you insist I need to have one.”

“Of course you do.” Boar entwined their fingers, and in this garden, under the stars, in a quiet retirement village, Pyro let his fantasies run free. He imagined the two of them being eighty, drinking cocktails all day, going on the odd trip to a casino, and hell, maybe even getting a white peacock, because why the fuck not?