“I… I think it’s a misunderstanding.”
One of the men, the one with the bigger nose, offered Clover a cool smile. “It’ll be a misunderstanding if I kick in your front teeth. Now strip.”
The other goon laughed, and his loaf-sized hand gravitated to his crotch. “Haven’t gotten a blowjob from someone with no teeth for a while now. Maybe it’s time for a new sucker.”
Clover froze. This was nothing like the zoo and Diana’s vanilla cupcakes. His blood ran as cold as the water making him shiver. He wasn’t about to argue.
He rushed to unstrap the bulletproof vest and take off his T-shirt. His mind still rang with the last memories of the chaos that ensued when Drake had attacked and killed all those people at the zoo. Was he alive? Boar? Clover was too afraid to ask and show any more vulnerability. At the mercy of these men he was once again a defenseless mouse.
“The shoes too. Everything,” Big Nose said, but even when Clover averted his eyes, he felt the heat of two gazes rubbing all over his newly bared skin. Only orders kept those men from using any means at their disposal against him. Whether they were into men or not in whatever normal life people like that could lead, they would abuse Clover, even if just for the fun of it.
He took everything off, leaving it in a soggy pile next to him, and got up when prompted.
“Now give us a spin,” laughed the other man, gesturing with his finger. When Clover complied, he continued speaking. “You must know you’re knee-deep in shit to be this obedient.”
“Do we have time?” asked Big Nose in a whisper. “Wanna have a go at this one?”
This couldn’t be happening. They had been supposed to win. To kill Apollo, come back home victorious, and deal with the fallout of their unauthorised mission. Clover’s veins were rivers of icy water, and he clenched his ass in response to the threat. He was alone against two and didn’t yet have Drake’s proficiency at combat. It those guys decided to force themselves on him, chances of getting away would be slim.
“We don’t.” Crooked sighed and pushed Clover at the wall so hard a yelp escaped his lips. One massive hand held Clover’s nape, the other trailed down his body and spread his buttocks. The instinct to squirm was so hard-wired he didn’t even think, his whole body burning up with fear and a growing sense of shame.
When he reached back to fight, the man twisted his hand so painfully for a moment he feared his wrist had been dislocated. But no. It was fine.
“I will make you beg for my cock by the end of this day, cupcake.”
A year of daily training, so much hard work, yet faced with those two, he was incapable of protecting himself. How could he have been stupid enough to think he’d learned enough to deal with issues his partners faced while working? Tank had been right all along. Clover had let his pride take the wheel.
He wanted to talk back the way he’d have when he was still a mistrustful runt and reacted with aggression to even a hint of threat from a guy. But he’d grown wiser since and knew it was better to bite his tongue.
Crooked smirked and pulled on Clover’s arm while Big Nose took hold of the other. “So pliant. I like that. Hope for your sake that you have some experience. With that face, you’re definitely getting a lot of action as soon as the boss allows it.”
Cold shivers ran up and down his skin. He wanted to cry for Tank. For him to sort this shit out and take him into those warm arms that were like velvet during a hug but as hard as steel when it was needed. Clover hadn’t been ready for any of this. Still a kid, he should have listened to his Daddy’s advice, not thrown himself head-first into danger just because one of the men he loved couldn’t contain his need for revenge. What would happen to him if his situation became even worse than this? He was already falling apart.
But daydreams of safety were pointless in the damp corridor where he was pushed to next. Tank didn’t know where he was, and no tracker would save Clover this time. He’d made his bed and he would hate every second of laying in it.
“I kinda wish he talked back. No fun in fucking a piece of warm meat.”
Clover looked under his feet as he walked along the dirty tiles flanked by the two men who gleefully planned to rip him apart. He wasn’t stupid enough to believe they couldn’t break him. He had no doubt he’d lose his teeth if he tried to bite their dicks, and if they wanted to fuck his ass, all they needed to do was hold him down. Maybe he could have taken on one of them in a more even situation, hit the right spot and flee, but fighting was pointless with no place to run.