Drake exhaled and moved back to make room for Clover. “Did any of your friends go missing within that time?” he asked. Clover didn’t seem down, but away from the blood and violence, he looked like a normal teenager, who should not be exposed to such cruelty.

“People would come and go. No one ever asked too many questions. He could have sold someone from under my nose, and I wouldn’t have known.”

The forlorn expression that briefly passed over Clover’s features made Drake pull him close, until the soft cheek rested on his shoulder and Clover’s palms settled on his back. The boy had showered and now smelled so fresh it was giving Drake’s head a mild spin. “You shouldn’t feel guilty over being a survivor.”

“How do you feel?” Clover whispered. “About Apollo?”

Drake had shared glimpses of what had happened to him with Tank, much less with Pyro and Boar, but Clover’s presence was such comfort. He seemed like the only person in the world who could open up Drake’s wounds without making them bleed again.

He closed his eyes and rolled down, taking Clover with him. They settled on their sides, with faces just inches apart when he spoke. “I loathe him. He’s a vile man, and he needs to die. That’s the only thing I feel.”

There were many more things, layers of hatred for the parents who abandoned him, disgust with the fact that Apollo still ran his business so many years later, fear for Clover, but he didn’t want to worry his lover.

“You know what really scared me today?” Clover whispered into Drake’s lips. “That it felt good. Not in a sadistic kind of way, but I felt no remorse for what I did. Jerry deserved it, and with your help, I ended his life.”

Drake swallowed. In the warm light of the lamp provided, Clover’s eyes seemed even bluer than usual, and his white hair curled against his cheeks like that of an angel. Clover had the appearance of an innocent, but he no longer was, and he could never go back to who he used to be before Drake had guided his hand across Jerry’s throat.

“I’m not sure if it was the right thing to do. I didn’t want to force you if you weren’t ready.”

Clover gave Drake a peck on the lips. “I know you wouldn’t. There seems to be this myth about you, that you’re the scariest in our group, but I think you’re the sweetest and the gentlest. Even if you pinch or slap me, tie me up, you’re always so careful.”

Drake looked away, suddenly self-conscious, as if Clover had just gotten wind of secrets Drake didn’t want to reveal. “Well, I… I don’t want to hurt you. You said you don’t like pain, so…”

Clover giggled and kissed Drake again. “Even Boar, he can get so horny he gets ahead of himself. Don’t get me wrong, I like him that way, but you always look out for me. I know it. Even if the others think what you do is for your own selfish pleasure.” He nipped on Drake’s bottom lip and pulled teasingly, sliding his hands to Drake’s neck.

“You don’t think I’m selfish?” Drake whispered, rubbing his thumb along Clover’s angular cheekbone.

“No, you always take your time with me. I feel like I’m the selfish one. Always restrained and pleasured for ages, unable to give much back. I mean, apart from the obvious.” Clover grinned and slid his leg to Drake’s hip.

Drake pulled Clover in until he felt warm breath on his throat. His lungs wouldn’t take in more air than absolutely necessary. “I’m… it excites me to have you bound, but it also makes me feel better.”

Safer. That was the word he should have used, but shame wouldn’t let him. When his partners were in bondage, he wouldn’t be surprised by their touch and embarrass himself by freaking out.

So many years had passed, and he was still nursing old wounds.

The gentle kisses Clover trailed along Drake’s jaw soothed all ailments, even if only for a while. The boy fit so perfectly into his embrace. Like a sweet and sour candy, because he could be both. Tender and angelic when falling asleep in Drake’s arms, but needy and shameless when taking cock after cock.

The things that came out of Clover’s mouth when he was having sex… Drake almost regretted gagging him sometimes, but watching him struggle and drool was far too enticing to pass on.

“I bet this makes you feel better too.” The devil in human skin slid his hand between their bodies and squeezed Drake’s cock through his jeans.

Drake stiffened, surprised by the bold gesture. Clover would usually entice him into sex in a way less direct—with stares or by talking in that deliciously filthy way—and Drake wasn’t sure how to react first. He wasn’t afraid of Clover or worried that the boy would stab him in the back, so what was keeping him back from allowing this kind of touch?