Pyro rose. “Okay, I’m in need of a drink. Anybody wants anything?”

Clover jumped to his feet. “I’ll help bring the drinks.”

Jolene’s lips widened with a smile. “The pantry is at the far end of the kitchen. I’ll have some bourbon with Dr. Pepper.”

The others placed their orders too, and Pyro led the way to the kitchen. Clover was silent as a mouse, and the tension in him only made Pyro’s mood more playful. They went through the kitchen full of appliances and kitsch decor until they reached a back door. The ‘pantry’ was more like a walk-in bar with bottles of alcohol stacked on shelves from floor to ceiling, but he wasn’t complaining.

Pyro couldn’t help himself though, and when they both walked into the narrow space that smelled of spirit and sugar, he turned on the small lamp and closed the door behind them. Clover frowned, but Pyro got down to one knee, grabbing Clover’s slender fingers.

“Clo, I can’t have Tank take you away from me. You need to marry me first. Please? Drake can walk you down the aisle.”

Clover stared for a few seconds too long, which told Pyro that Clover believed him, even if just for a moment. Eventually though, he slapped Pyro’s hand, blue eyes glinting in the faint illumination. “Asshole!”

Pyro cackled and kissed the front of Clover’s pants before rising to the choir of birds screaming outside. “You love it. Admit it.”

Clover pursed his lips, but they were already twitching. “Yeah, okay, maybe that was just what I needed.”

“She’s one scary woman.”

Clover put his hands in his hair. “She’s freaking me out. It’s like a minefield out there.”

Pyro sniggered and opened a cupboard to take out some glasses. “Yeah. Families, they’re only trouble.”

“I just… I don’t want to embarrass Tank, you know? She’s important to him.” Clover pointed out a bar cart, which they could use to move all the bottles and glasses. Pyro imagined the cart was Jolene’s pride and joy. She probably used it whenever she had friends over.

“Maybe you just need a distraction?” Pyro asked, capturing Clover’s hair in his fingers and tugging on it gently. They could hear bits of conversation even here, but what fun was life without a tiny bit of risk?

Clover needed a distraction, because he didn’t seem to get the innuendo. “No, I need to work out how to behave so that she doesn’t hate me. You… I know you left your family, but they were strict, right? What did people like that expect?”

Gravity pulled at Pyro’s mouth. His family was the last thing he wanted to talk about. “Ah. You know, they were boring. Nothing like Jolene. Just roll with her madness.”

Clover ran his hands down his face. “She said I looked like her white peacock. I didn’t know if it was an insult or a compliment.”

Pyro shrugged. “I guess she wanted to say you’re special. You know what you need to do? Not imagine her naked, but something else along those lines,” he said, itching to change the topic.

“What are you suggesting?”

The wide-eyed look was catnip for Pyro’s inner tomcat. He stepped closer, effectively trapping Clover against a narrow counter. He grabbed the boy’s slender wrist and pressed it to his crotch. “How about we add a special something to the cocktails?”

“No…” Clover wouldn’t even blink, pink lips parted, breath quickening. Did he even have an idea what a honeypot he was, tempting Pyro every single day? Like a figure made of white chocolate and drizzled with delicious, sugary toppings.

“You sure? Maybe just yours then?” Pyro asked, pressing his hand to the slender throat and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Clover swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing against Pyro’s hand, but he squeezed Pyro’s package. Such a greedy boy. “Is this a dare?”

“Uh-huh. And if you do it, I might just let you ride my bike. But you need to make up your mind fast. They’re waiting for us,” Pyro whispered. Too tempted to resist the desire already kindled in his body, he licked Clover’s lips and then all the way up to his eye. Even the boy’s sweat was delicious.

“Just once? I’ll do it if you teach me how to ride it.”

Clover drove a hard bargain when he was aware of his allure. Pyro was precious about his motorcycle, but on the other hand… seeing Clover drink a cum cocktail at Tank’s grandma’s table? That was tough to refuse.

“Deal. Now give me a hand, so I can start that piña colada for you,” Pyro whispered, pushing his thumb into the soft warmth of Clover’s mouth.

Clover sucked on Pyro’s finger, but he didn’t waste any time and opened Pyro’s jeans. Boar had been right about him from the start. The boy was perfect for them. Fun, cute, sexy, always up for a dare. All things naughty and nice rolled up into sweet pale packaging.