“Same old,” Jacob said, shrugging. “Though Rob’s been acting up lately. I keep warning him I’ll send him to Uncle Adam for boot camp if he doesn’t get his shit together.”

Tank’s home was definitely no place for a minor—another thing Jacob didn’t need to know. On the upside, he wasn’t afraid his son could ‘catch the gay’, so Clover supposed that was progress.

“Yeah, I might come by sometime. We’re only passing through now,” Tank said, his arm tightening around Clover.

Jacob exhaled and took in Boar and Drake as well. “You could even bring friends, as long as you let us know. You know Jane loves to throw a party. You’re all welcome as long as you agree to say grace for her sake.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks. It’s just been a long night,” Tank said after a moment of tense silence.

Jacob rubbed his eyes. “Yeah, the lion. I’ll go check up on your friend. What’s his name?”

Boar quickly filled in the details while Clover just stood there, jittery with the mix of emotions inside of him. He was filled with so much glee at hearing Tank introduce him as his boyfriend that even the reopened wound of Jerry’s betrayal was stitching itself.

Drake slow-clapped as soon as Jacob chased the police chief into the station. “Finally out and proud. Should the rest of us feel snubbed?”

Tank groaned, but his body language was slightly more relaxed. “Very funny.”

Clover hugged Tank, running his hands up the muscular back of his giant. “Is this good or bad? I don’t want you to be in trouble.”

Tank’s mouth twisted, but he pulled Clover into the safety of his chest. “We used to have a difficult relationship. He’s trying to reach out, but it’s still hard to get round to it. So maybe this is a good thing I don’t know.”

Drake stepped closer and patted Tank’s shoulder. “It’ll be fine.”

Jacob left the station five minutes later and approached them with a smile. “All set. The chief says the cop who got wounded needs to okay this when he’s back from the hunt, but your friend should be out within two hours.

Tank stiffened when his brother gave him a brief hug. “Thanks. I really appreciate this. I’ll try to avoid waking you up next time.”

Jacob snorted. “I’ve got a day off tomorrow, so I guess it’ll be an excuse to stay in bed until midday.”

“Just don’t let your kids out.” Clover said, but flushed at the silence that ensued. “You know, because of the lion.”

But Jacob just laughed. “Yep, another reason to stay indoors. Keep in touch, Adam. And visit Grandma.”

Goodbyes didn’t take long, since Jacob likely couldn’t wait to slide back into bed, but even once the rear lights of his vehicle disappeared from sight, Tank’s arm stayed where it was, on Clover’s shoulders. Heavy and warm, a physical sign that he was no longer angry. Or at least not angry enough to avoid physical touch.

Boar yawned very loudly. “It’s a long night. How about we go to that gas station we passed on the way here and get some coffee?”

Clover opened his mouth, but Drake spoke first.

“You want something, guys? I could use stretching my legs.”

Clover smiled and pressed his head against Tank’s shoulder. “Something sweet.”

Tank shrugged. “I could use something to eat. Jerky might be nice. You know what I like.”

Boar smiled and zipped up his hoodie. “Okay, we’ll be back in half an hour, or so.”

“Get something for Pyro too,” Tank added before climbing back into the van.

Boar started walking backward and spread his arms. “Duh!”

Clover was already in the van when he remembered the reason for them being stuck here. “But the lion—”

Drake shook his head and waved at him. “We’ll be fine.”

The farther away Drake and Boar were, the more intense the silence between him and Tank became, thickening like burnt caramel that had been left to cool for too long. Clover couldn’t bear it any longer.

“I’m ruining everything for you tonight.”

Tank exhaled and shut the rear door, locking them in near-perfect darkness. “Why do you think so?” he asked in a steady voice.

“I didn’t listen to you, I was all over you when your brother came, I basically attacked Pete, or whatever his name really was. I’m such a mess.” Clover shuddered at the memory of the sound Pete’s body made when the truck hit it. Had that been his fault too?

Tank remained still at first, but his warm hand found Clover’s thigh in the darkness. “Don’t worry about Jacob. He’s harmless. And reads me better than I’m comfortable with,” he eventually whispered, and when Clover’s eyes got used to the darkness, the slight smile on Tank’s face became a beacon of hope that maybe this night wasn’t a complete failure.

“So you’re not worried about your family’s reaction? I know Boar had to leave home once his family found out about him.” Clover eagerly straddled Tank’s lap. “It was nice to hear you saying that I’m your boyfriend though.”