Clover rolled his eyes at Drake’s hate of modern pop music, but just rolled with it and continued their earlier conversation.
“Prince in peril, please. Draaake, don’t drive like a grandad, we’re almost there.”
“No, it should definitely be a princess. Maybe that would curb your attitude,” Drake said and sped up the hill and around the property. He opened the gate with a remote control, and they headed toward the house.
Clover was on pins and needles, excited to see everyone again, to have some of Pyro’s famous burgers, and to show off what he and Drake had learned.
“I cannot be contained!” Clover laughed, already unbuckling his seatbelt, but they both knew he could definitely be contained with enough rope and a ball gag.
They stopped in front of the house, but even Drake wasn’t bothered to park his van inside the garage in such glorious sunny weather. He caught Clover’s hand and led him to the other side of the building, which already exuded the loveliest aroma of coal and cooked meat.
“Hey!” Clover yelled, torn between squeezing Drake’s hand and running off to jump one of his other lovers.
The house was their sanctuary. Elegant, modern yet fitting into its forest surroundings, Clover loved everything about it. Especially the hammock-style bathtub, which cost Tank a ridiculous amount of cash. But regardless of all the money spent to make the place comfortable, for Clover its appeal lay in the peace and safety it offered.
In the warm glow of the afternoon sun, Tank’s huge form emerged from behind the building, and he offered them a wide smile, spreading his arms for Clover, who ran his way without thinking. He jumped on Tank and clung to him like a little monkey, suspended in the caring arms.
“Daddy, I missed you!”
Tank snorted, squeezing Clover’s ass. “Have you been a good boy?”
“He had his moments,” Drake said, standing so close Clover could almost feel his warmth through the T-shirt.
Clover kissed Tank gently at first, just a peck, but he was already dying for more, and Tank didn’t hold back, opening Clover’s lips with his tongue and lazily exploring what was his. He even slid his tongue over Clover’s gums, making Clover shiver.
“I’ve been as good as I can be,” he whispered, looking into Tank’s dark eyes.
In the week when Clover had been away, Tank’s skin had gotten even darker, so he must have enjoyed the outdoors a lot. Clover buried his face in the broad neck and watched Drake squeeze Tank’s bicep in one of those small, intimate gestures that had developed between the two since Clover became an addition to their unconventional family.
“Still working out, I see,” Drake said.
The tender moment was over when punishing techno music scared birds from a nearby tree.
Tank scowled and carried Clover all the way to the patio where Pyro was busy doing some kind of monkey dance by the grill. He was naked, which meant that his dick was swinging dangerously close to the hot metal.
“Pyro! Don’t get that extra sausage on the grill!” Clover yelled, still attached to Tank.
Boar was already getting up from a sunchair with a wide smile. “Babe! You’re back!”
Tank put Clover down, so he could greet the others, and he directed his footsteps straight to the speaker resting near the grill. “You’re gonna scare off the all the animals with this noise,” he shouted to get through the racket, but Pyro only noticed that someone had spoken to him when the sound died.
“Clo!” He put down his tongs and ran up to Clover, snatching him against his naked body before he could have reached Boar.
Clover laughed and play-wrestled Pyro as if he were dying to get to Boar instead, but in the end, Pyro hugged Clover from the back, while Boar embraced them both with his long arms, creating the perfect human sandwich.
Boar’s kisses felt like home. As did Pyro’s dick pushing between Clover’s thighs and slowly getting harder. This guy had the libido of a stud dog, but deep down, the heart of a dog too, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.
Pyro sniffed him, confirming Clover’s inner narrative about him. “Your hair smells of cigarettes. Has Drake been smoking in the car?”
Drake stepped closer. “It is my car. Now let him go. We need to shower after the trip.”
Pyro’s mouth stretched into a wolfish smile, and he rubbed the faces tattooed on his pecs as he met Clover’s gaze. “I think you’ll only get to eat later, Clover. Because I need to have a taste of your meat first.”
Boar gave Clover a sweet, gentle kiss before releasing him into Drake’s arms. “We’ll be ready when you come back!”
Clover’s smile couldn’t have gotten any wider. He grabbed Drake’s hand again, and they walked into the house, which was cool in comparison to the sunny outdoors, but even in here the air smelled of pine and grass.