“Tank, it’s fine. I’ll be with him at all times.”

Tank rubbed his forehead, stuck between a rock and a hard place. But maybe there was still a way to deal with this conundrum. “Let’s give this a shot,” he said to Clover, “but you gotta prove yourself to me, boy. Eat up. You’ll need the energy.”

Clover rose the moment Boar helped him take the food off. His eyes shone like dewy cornflowers as he met Tank’s gaze, rolling over to face him. “I’ll show you what I’ve learnt, Daddy!”

There it was, the flirty persuasion that so easily got under Tank’s skin. But not this time. This was potentially a matter of life and death, and he couldn’t even begin to imagine his life without Clover in it anymore. Sweet, pliant, a ray of sunshine who lit up everyone’s day, Clover belonged with them forever, and Tank wouldn’t let the boy’s stupid pride ruin everything.

Raul had been certain of his skills too, he’d been good in the field, but when push had come to shove, he’d ended up as cold as any other corpse. And Clover wouldn’t share that fate. Over Tank’s dead body.

“Good. We’ll see if you can break free from me.”

Drake’s eyes narrowed. “You sure that’s fair? He’s more likely to face open fire than close combat.”

“It’s fair. I want to make sure he’s got the skills to make a run for it if push came to shove.” During training, Clover had followed orders, and removed himself from a situation when told to. What Tank needed to test was his skills in a predicament when the boy couldn’t run. Though it was hardly a test, because Clover was no match for him. The boy would lose, but he’d at least get some satisfaction out of the challenge.

And once that was over with, Tank and the others could start making plans while Clover got over the sulking that would surely ensue. Nothing a good long fuck before bed couldn’t help with.

“Let’s do it now.”

Pyro sniggered and rubbed his hands. “Are you doing it naked? Because it’s a yes from me!”

Boar grinned. “Should I get you guys some oil for the wrestling?”

Tank kicked him under the table. “Idiot. But sure, why not naked?” He turned to Clover and pulled him into his lap. “I missed you, boy.”

Clover rolled his ass against Tank’s thigh. “Better get your fill of me now then, because I’ll be like an eel once we start.”

Drake snorted, pushing back stray hair. “He might surprise you, Tank.”

“We train together all the time. I know what he’s capable of.”

Drake’s brows went up in an expression of scepticism, but Tank chose to ignore it and cuddled Clover as they continued eating. Boar had made everyone change the topic to ‘how was Seattle’, which Tank was glad of, because he wanted the Clover-in-combat issue out of his hair as soon as possible.

As they ate, the conversation drifted to Clover talking about how much he’d enjoyed the sex they’d just had, and the dreamy look he sent Tank had butterflies fluttering in his stomach. To be infatuated like a teenager with a boy half his age was embarrassing, but he wouldn’t change Clover for the world. A cute twink who brought no negative disruption to their world because they all liked him. Clover was the perfect addition to their group. Both sweet and slutty. And so very brave it bordered on stupidity.

But he could only delay the inevitable for so long, and soon enough he and Clover walked away from the table while the others watched them with beers in their hands. Tank didn’t know what they were expecting from this.

Entertainment most likely. A sight of two sweaty bodies entwined in a fight. Tank did enjoy his wrestling sessions with Clover even with clothes on, but he expected this one to result in a lot of pouting.

He caught Clover the moment the boy turned his head to wink at Boar. Clover yelped when Tank pulled his arm back, and attempted to step on Tank’s foot, at the same time shoving at Tank with his elbow, but the blow was hardly strong enough.

“Rule number one: always be ready, or they’ll take you out,” Tank said, holding Clover with little effort.

Damp hair smacked his face when the boy wiggled in an attempt to break free. “We’re at home! You should have waited until someone said we were starting!”

“There’s no start signal during a job,” Tank said, struggling against the constant punches. He did keep his muscles tense to protect himself, but the fact that he didn’t want to hurt Clover made it all so much more difficult than dealing with an actual enemy. Because how was he to pacify the boy otherwise?

“Not really, Tank. The start is when the job begins,” Drake said, watching them with lowered eyebrows.