“I do like to think that I am right,” Gray said, trying to wipe his mind clean. He put more soap on the sponge and worked it over Shadow’s leg in fast, efficient strokes. It only made sense, since Shadow didn’t even know what taking a bath was, let alone how to wash himself. He would know how do go about it tomorrow after witnessing how it should be done.

Oh, who was Gray kidding? He was perving. Perving on the firm calves, on the dark hair covering Shadow’s legs, and on the sturdiness of the thighs that were unlike any Gray had touched. He would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy seeing Shadow’s features alternate between tense and slack, or the way his touch sparked little trembles all over those long limbs. He wouldn’t have done any of this to anyone else, but there was something utterly innocent about Shadow discovering physical pleasure that made Gray push boundaries that he never crossed.

It felt safe to explore.

His face tingled with heat when his hand encircled one of the beefy pecs, then drew a line across the stiff nipple. But then Shadow’s gasp turned into a moan, and the upward thrust he made with his hips pushed the tip of his dick through the surface of the milky water.

Gray might have made a noise then, but he wasn’t entirely sure. He hoped he hadn’t, but once his gaze locked on the slit at the top of Shadow’s cock, he couldn’t look away. Heat tickled up the middle of his thighs and pulled on his balls, but he said nothing, pretending he was busy washing Shadow’s knee over and over, even though the cock was right in front of him, so hard and swollen he itched to offer some relief.

Shadow stirred his hips again, poking the air, and this time his dick emerged in all its glory, as the center of the graceful arch of hair-dusted flesh stretching from Shadow’s thighs to his toned stomach. He had the most perfect hip bones, and his balls were so beautiful Gray felt his mouth water as if he’d been somehow conditioned to react like this.

He looked up. Over the milky surface, past the tempting island of his cock, Shadow was watching him, his face already flushed red, lips open. Gray cleared his throat. “It’s very important to keep all crevices clean. Do you know how?”

Shadow took his time with the question, spread out in the bathtub as if it were his throne. Human or not, he was magnificent.

“Show me.”

Breathless from the tension so sharp it created static in the air, Gray hesitated before putting away the sponge. He got some gel onto his palm and briefly hovered it above the cock emerging out of the water. “You’re uncut so, um, it’s important that you pull down that skin and clean the whole cock well,” he said, still unsure if he should proceed, but whether he liked that or not—he did want to.

Shadow inhaled a large gulp of air and pushed his hips up so rapidly his dick jerked, sending a spray of water into the air before slapping against his navel. It was even darker now, and the droplets that hit Gray’s cheek burned with a heat that penetrated Gray’s skin and descended between his legs.

Their eyes met in a tense moment of silence that made it clear Shadow wasn’t framing this as a joke, or trying to pressure Gray into things. There was way more intelligence in him than met the eye. Instead of hunting Gray, this time he chose fishing, and Gray was hooked.

“I will. Like this?” Shadow whispered and pulled down the foreskin, presenting the cockhead to Gray, who didn’t hesitate any longer. His hand slid down the length of Shadow’s dick, slippery with the shower gel and tightening when Shadow bucked his hips, hitting Gray’s fist with his balls. The slap spread over Gray’s flesh like fire, but he didn’t look away when red eyes met his, igniting yet more heat inside him.

Gray was the only one to command Shadow’s attention, and it wasn’t because Gray was holding his cock, or silently promising more. Regardless of the messed-up reasons behind it, Shadow was completely devoted to Gray, and that made the itch to touch him all the stronger. For Shadow, Gray wasn’t a disposable piece of meat to get pleasure out of. Time and time again, he’d shown Gray that he had no romantic or sexual interest in anyone else, and that wasn’t just flattering. It was arousing.

Shadow groaned when Gray stroked his cock again, gliding his fingers over the pulsing flesh with the aid of the fresh-smelling gel. His eyes fluttered shut, his lips opened wider in a gasp, and he twisted his hips to get more out of the touch while keeping his hands clenched on the rim of the tub.