Beast frowned, lowering his gaze to the severed head. “We’ll talk in the morning. Now go.”

Chapter 12

Gray needed to calm down if he was to do this. A monster comprised of his own shadow and a long-dead body was here to stay for the next two moon cycles, and if that was to work, then Shadow needed to go through an express course on how to be human. It briefly passed through Gray’s mind to just lock him up downstairs again, but after tonight’s events, the very thought of treating him like an unwanted coat left a bitter taste on his tongue.

Shadow had saved his life—not once but twice—and the power he’d demonstrated proved that he could have hurt Gray long ago, if that was his agenda. Instead, he submitted to Gray’s wishes, staying all alone in dirt and discomfort despite so clearly being a social creature. And after the painful week in confinement, Shadow was as eager for Gray’s attention as a little puppy who didn’t know any better. The animalistic side of him creeped Gray out, but he no longer had doubts about Shadow’s intentions.

He wanted to be Gray’s protector at all cost, but if he was to stay at Gray’s side, he needed warm water and lots of soap.

If Mike were here, he’d have likely visited Shadow in secret and told Gray he was being paranoid. Maybe Mike would have been right.

Gray pulled on his jogging bottoms, a clean T-shirt, and entered the bathroom, braced for the funky odor of unwashed flesh and old sweat.

Shadow was still dressed when he turned to face Gray. He gave a deep sigh. “Is this necessary?”

Gray had expected him to be naked already, but the way he stood in a hunched position, with matted hair hanging over a shirt with brownish stains, completed the picture of misery.

“Yes. People wash every day. And you need to do that too if you want to stay here with everyone,” he said, approaching his charge in careful steps.

Shadow looked back at him with the eyes of a beaten pup and quickly pulled off the long sleeve that would go straight to the laundry room. He then pushed off his shoes, and proceeded to remove his pants. “You said I did well.”

Once he was completely naked and stretched his firm, tall form, Gray was struck with the realization that under all that silliness and dirt, Shadow’s human shell was very easy on the eyes. It had been obvious from the start, but Gray didn’t pay much attention to the physical attributes of what he’d considered an inhuman, dangerous creature. And now he was once again staring at Shadow’s dick.

He cleared his throat and approached the tub, mindful to avoid staring at the tall man right next to him. It had been a long time since any naked dude other than Gray himself had entered this room, but the upcoming wash had a purely utilitarian purpose.

“Yeah, well, that’s why I’m letting you stay here, but you stink. Can’t you smell it?” he asked and started the flow of hot water.

Shadow smelled his armpit. “I’m not sure. But I’ll remember next time.”

In the silent room, Gray could hear Shadow’s breath quicken as the warm water slowly filled the tub. He sat on a stool that he often used as a laptop stand during long baths and watched the mirror steam up, unwilling to pay too much attention to Shadow’s nakedness. Maybe he should reconnect with his ex again? They hadn’t broken up in anger, so they still hooked up from time to time, when Gray’s needs were past the boiling point and screamed for release.

Gray never felt all that great after any of those times, but he trusted Pete to be discreet, and Pete knew his body well enough to give him pleasure, even if it was relegated to physical sensation. Pete had been the last man, except for Gray himself, to bathe here, and he had enjoyed himself way more than Shadow apparently was.

Standing still and with his eyes closed, Shadow looked as if he were ready for the most grueling ordeal. Maybe demons from the Other Side liked to be filthy. Then again, Mr. Magpie always smelled of cologne and was so pampered it made his appearance vaguely inhuman.

Gray sighed and made sure the water slowly filling the tub was a pleasant temperature before pouring in a generous splash of bath milk, which immediately filled the rapidly heating room with its sweet scent.

“You can get in now.”

Shadow opened one eye, watching the water as if it were toxic waste, but in the end he followed Gray’s request, and stepped in with one foot. His slouching shoulders rose at once, and the ruby eyes glinted in wonder. “It’s warm,” he said and packed his massive body into the tub with no lingering hesitation.