There were still many things that needed to be dealt with so that he could function as any other human, but documents, and all that other stuff the world seemed preoccupied with, could wait. A few weeks had passed since Shadow had consumed the Pigeon Heart, and while he was settling into his new life that promised him an unbelievably long future, he started truly believing they’d made the right choice. Come what may, he would face all dangers at Gray’s side.

It was already dark when they first left the clubhouse, but instead of riding all the way to Baal’s trees for a final feeding, Gray stopped the motorcycle on an empty road, just ahead of an old stone bridge. A simple wooden cross stood at the side of the road, with a pot of wilted flowers placed in front of it.

Gray sighed. “This is the place.”


Shadow swallowed when they got off the bike, and he wasn’t sure what more to say. So this was where Gray’s twin had died. To think of Gray’s mirror image hurt, broken, and bleeding always made Shadow’s throat ache, but Gray didn’t seem sad when they both dismounted. He opened his leather jacket to reveal a small bundle of flowers, which he replaced the wilted ones with. “It’s a shame you two didn’t get to meet. He would have liked you.”

Shadow smiled at that, because coming from Gray’s mouth, it was the most amazing compliment.

The nature around the bridge was in full bloom—lush, green, and growing stronger to the tunes sung by birds. The fresh flowers fit in perfectly.

“I would have loved it. Not because there would be two of you, of course. Because you were different. But if he was your brother, I’m sure he was amazing.” Shadow put his arm over Gray’s shoulders as they both looked at the cross. His hand still hurt on some days in the place where the wound was healing, but thanks to his sacrifice Gray didn’t have to take on even more pain.

Gray kissed Shadow’s jaw, melting against him. It was second nature to them both by now. “If he is somewhere out there, I’m sure he’s happy I have someone like you,” he said and nuzzled Shadow’s healing hand before leading the way to the motorcycle.

Shadow looked back at the flowers with a smile. “Because you’re in good hands?”

“The best hands.”

The ride to the trees only took twenty minutes, and while Shadow was dreading the discomfort of giving some of his energy to the plants from his former world, he was glad this would be the last time. Once this was done, he could focus on their future.

“It wasn’t even that horrible,” he said to Gray, who looked like he was about to cry by the time the ritual was finished. He didn’t want to worry Gray, but the truth was that with the Pigeon Heart filling him with so much red energy, he didn’t feel like the parasitic trees have taken all that much.

Gray exhaled and rubbed his face as he sat down in the grass next to Shadow. “I’m sorry. I just hate seeing you in pain. I hate it.”

Shadow was eager to hug Gray and laughed. “You’re so cute when you worry! This was the last time. They’ve had enough from me.”

Gray nuzzled Shadow’s nose. The blond hair framed his angular face in a way that had Shadow want to follow its lines with kisses.

“I think we should celebrate your freedom then.”

Shadow’s smile widened even more. “Oh, really? What will we do? A night to ourselves? I don’t mind working for the club, but all the jobs they’ve been sending us on take away from alone time.”

Gray rested his chin on Shadow’s chest. “Beast agreed to give us an evening off. So I got two tickets to this new movie that I think you’ll like, and we’re going to have dinner before that. Real date.”

Shadow leaned down for a kiss, already giddy. “A real date.”

Gray smiled, but the corners of his mouth fell somewhat when he nodded at the tree above. “Look. It’s blooming.”

The end

Post-Credits Scene

They entered the empty room which was tiled white from floor to ceiling. Magpie gestured to the only item in the space, a tall vase decorated with porcelain flowers. Tiger’s Eye and Amber both knew what to do and approached the container with soft steps.

Magpie closed his eyes and stood in the middle of the room with his arms raised. When both beautiful boys returned with cupped hands full of brocade pomade, Magpie felt his muscles relax in anticipation of its touch. He moaned when Tiger’s Eye’s large, skillful hands gently rubbed the warm mixture into Magpie’s skin. With Amber massaging his shoulders and back, Magpie let go of all the tiresome memories, of politics, and of the conversation he’d had with his lawyer earlier that day. They mattered nothing in comparison to the hands of handsome boys.