With his hair wet, smiling, and cuddled up in a comforter, Shadow a most inviting sight, but Gray had had an idea, and more pleasure had to wait.

He hadn’t thought much while encased in Shadow, but somehow the experience cleared his head and let him see new possibilities. So instead of rolling into the sheets beside his lover, Gray kissed him on the lips before approaching the closet. “Wait for me, okay? I might have a surprise for you.”

The widening grin on Shadow’s face was worth everything. Even having to part. “Just come back quick.”

Gray pulled on a fresh pair of pants. He didn’t bother with underwear, so he struggled a bit with pulling the garment over damp flesh, but once he was decent enough to leave, he couldn’t deny himself hugging Shadow once more. “I promise. Don’t go anywhere.”

When he walked out of their home, even his footsteps were lighter. There was still more than enough time to find a replacement for the Pigeon Heart. As tedious as it would be, the two of them could gather smaller rubies, perhaps look at auctions and make their way into antique shops to find the right kind of stones. Maybe the small gems wouldn’t last for a lifetime, but Gray could just reframe things in his mind and think of Shadow’s need for rubies as a lifelong disease that needed periodic remedies.

It could work. And if the ruby from the ghost—merely a splinter—could fuel Shadow’s body to last for another week, then maybe the ruby Beast wore on his ring finger could ensure Shadow a lifespan of a year or two? It would be all right.

They could just take it one day at a time and hope for the best.

So many hours into the night, the clubhouse was silent as a grave, but Gray could not wait any longer. Beast would surely understand.

The corridors grew longer and the staircases higher as he marched through most of the length of the overgrown building, but he reached the door to the prez’s apartment and rang the buzzer.

The door opened after endless seconds of waiting, and Beast frowned at the sight of him. In the background, Laurent was sitting on the sofa with a pensive expression. He was still dressed in his day clothes and stared at his own hands.

“Now’s not a good time,” Beast said, but Gray wouldn’t back off when he’d promised Shadow a surprise—the time they so desperately needed.

“You’re up. Look, this will only take a minute, okay?”

“Let him in,” Laurent said, and after a long sigh, Beast reluctantly stood back and allowed Gray to pass through the door.

“Did something happen?” Beast asked.

Gray took a deep breath, briefly startled by a large egg placed on a pillow in the middle of the coffee table. It looked like one of those fancy chocolate creations made for rich people at Easter. Huge and covered with a red dust. “I—ah… you know Magpie wasn’t entirely honest with me about that ruby from the abandoned house. It’s tiny,” he said, directing his gaze at Beast.

Beast licked his lips, and while he seemed distracted, he steadied himself and met Gray’s gaze. “I know. Sorry to hear that. But he already left so you’d have to talk to him on the phone.”

Gray stretched his back, all of a sudden unsure how to approach such a delicate topic. He glanced Laurent’s way before settling his gaze on Beast once more. “I need your help. Magpie already said he won’t offer me anything from his stash, and Shadow only has so many days left.”

Silence fell over the room like a curtain, and Gray didn’t know what to make of it, but when he examined Beast’s hand, the engagement ring wasn’t there. Were they going through a rough patch and Gray had only agitated the situation by mentioning rubies?

Laurent wouldn’t look Gray’s way. “What can we do for you?” he asked as if it wasn’t obvious.

Gray steadied himself and chose to be blunt. “I need a ruby. Only for now. I will try to get you a new one when all this business blows over.”

Beast gave a low exhale and rested his thick arms across his chest. Surely, it was a difficult decision to make, but what was a ring—even one that symbolized their relationship—in comparison to someone’s life?

Laurent swallowed. “It’s gone. It will serve a new purpose.” He gestured toward the egg, and only now did Gray notice that the red dust covering its surface was oddly shiny. “I’m sorry.”

Gray frowned, confused by the answer. Beast had no smile for him. Suddenly out of breath, Gray stared right back at him. “What? We talked about this…”

Beast scowled. “It was your suggestion. I never committed to giving up my engagement ring. I would have, but now the situation has changed.”

The thudding in Gray’s ears grew in strength, banging rhythmically as he watched the two somber faces. “What? What for? What could have been more important? Are you making a gourmet omelet?” he asked, steadily growing louder.