When he’d first occupied the body that was now his, it instinctively recognized food scents as pleasant, but after Shadow had actually worked out that what nourished him was completely different than what used to sustain his human skin, even how he perceived smells had changed.

“Gray! Finally! I thought I was gonna have to fight Joker to save you a plate of curry,” Fox exclaimed as they entered the large room with sofas Shadow recognized from last night. They must have been moved here from the room with red walls, because they still carried the vague smell of blood.

A crowd of a dozen men sharing a large meal of a yellow meat sauce, vegetables and rice. It smelled worse with every step he took toward the table.

Gray offered everyone a faint smile, and Shadow wasn’t sure whether he actually wanted be there, or if his presence was more about not staying alone with Shadow. Regardless of the answer, Shadow decided to be patient and wait for another invitation into Gray’s body. Surely, there would be another time, if Gray had enjoyed it once already.

“I needed the rest,” Gray said, taking a seat next to Rev.

Joker handed Gray a plate and sat back down in the pillows, tracing his blond spikes with his fingers. “Since your pet monster is so strong, we should get him to help out with some of the building work.”

It took Shadow several seconds to realize it was him they were referring to.

Gray shifted to make space for Shadow between himself and Elliot, who waved, mouth full of the food and stained with sauce.

“He’s not my pet. We can’t just expect him to do the heavy lifting.”

Beast watched them with a frown. He’d already finished his meal and rested against some pillows with Laurent tucked under his arm. “He is freakishly strong though. If you could tell him to help us, the work could be done much cheaper and faster. If he lives here, I see no reason not to expect him to earn his keep.”

Gray tossed rice into his bowl in a movement so abrupt some of the grains sprinkled over the table top. “He’s not a slave. I can’t just tell him to do something.”

Rev’s gaze trailed between Gray and Shadow, as if he had the right to investigate everything they did. “You can tell him what to do. He’s yours.”

Shadow liked the sound of that. Yours. Sent a shiver down his spine.

But Gray was there to ruin the fantasy. “No, he’s not. He can clearly think for himself. If you want him to do something, ask, and maybe he’ll agree,” Gray said, angrily pouring sauce over his rice.

Beast chewed on his lip, watching the two of them with a gaze so intense it felt like it could somehow penetrate Shadow’s flesh as effectively as a blade. “But you do know he would listen to an order from you?”

Gray’s head shot up, and he glared at Beast across the table. “That’s not the point.”

Knight, who sat only one person away from Shadow, reached across Elliot’s lap and patted Shadow’s knee. “Do I sense a change in the air between you two?”

Gray stilled, and it seemed like the range of emotion he’d displayed before bed had shut down altogether. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Shadow itched to tell everyone of his success last night. But since he knew it wouldn’t be appreciated, he chose to discreetly share a glimpse of it with Knight. “I washed, just like you told me to.”

Knight wiggled his eyebrows. “I did notice. You shaved, you smell nice… Isn’t he the most handsome demon you’ve ever seen?” Knight asked Gray, patting his shoulder.

Gray scowled at him. “He’s more handsome than any other demon I’ve met.”

Shadow chose to take that as a compliment.

“Come on, Gray, he’s as cute as a puppy,” Knight teased until it earned him a glare so sharp it made Shadow wince despite it not being directed at him. Knight, however, seemed unfazed.

Gray looked around, meeting all the curious gazes. “We all know how much he’s helped us last night. I think we owe him something better.”

Laurent met Shadow’s gaze and inched closer to Beast. He was a funny little guy with long flowy hair and big brown eyes. Shadow could easily see himself becoming friends with him too.

“He’s dangerous, a creature created by Baal, and definitely unholy. Do not get roped in by a handsome face. The devil hides in plain sight,” Laurent said in a sharp whisper.

Maybe they wouldn’t be friends then.

Shadow licked his lips. “I’m just a shadow. And at least half-human too!”

Elliot nodded, grinning for reasons Shadow couldn’t fathom. “Yeah, you tell him!”

Beast exhaled and stared at Knight, tightening his embrace around Laurent. “Can you prevent your boy from creating even more chaos?”

Vars, who’d remained quiet until now, cleared his throat. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” he asked, meaningfully glancing at Jake, who sat next to him with his lips pressed into a thin line.