“Welcome to my kingdom,” Vars said and pushed Jake past a curtain, into a pretty ordinary-looking bathroom.

Surprise wore off when Jake focused on one of the walls that served as a canvas for huge black-and-white graffiti of a highly stylised couple. Jake’s gaze was immediately drawn to the pale shape of the sub’s naked body. Clamps pinched his nipples, and the gag in his mouth had saliva dripping down his chin. Despite being on a leash, he was pressing his cheek to the dominant’s bulge so lovingly there was no doubt whatsoever that he was enjoying himself. The dominant watched him with a hard gaze, but the hand he was holding in his partner’s hair seemed to pet him gently. The whole thing was both artistically interesting and caused a ball of arousal to grow in Jake’s gut.

“Go on, get into the shower,” Vars said, sending Jake’s body behind a long wall of plexiglass. The stall was rectangular and elongated, with no door or curtain, only reinforcing the idea that Jake was now property, and as that had no privacy.

He walked over the cool tiles, mesmerized by the image on the wall. Something about the anticipation and being faced with this kind of imagery made the thrill of it penetrate deeper into Jake’s soul. Like the submissive in the painting, he would be a good boy. He would follow orders and allow Vars’s desires to shape him.

Vars instructed him to switch on the shower and make it as hot as Jake could stand, which Jake did without question before kneeling down in the artificial rain. In the small space that was steaming up fast, all sorts of visions danced in the air. Would Vars set Jake impossible tasks, just to punish him later? Or would he inflict pain on Jake only because he liked it? What would he really do now, with Jake on his turf and all the power in his hands?

Jake leaned against the wall, wondering if he had a preference and coming up with nothing. Anything could be exciting if it pleased Vars, because what Jake wanted was to be obedient. Though the cage he wasn’t sure about. It looked not only uncomfortable but cold too, and its thick black bars would form a barrier between the two of them when he wanted to be as close as possible. Would Jake be willing to stay the night in the cage, alone in the dark while Vars slept in his comfortable bedroom?

When the curtain rustled, Jake looked up, eager to please like a dog waiting at the door for his master’s return, and the sight of Vars had his mouth going dry with both fear and anticipation. A studded harness crisscrossed the firm chest dusted by silvery and black hair, and a pair of leather pants that was far more snug than Vars’s usual fare clung to his legs, accentuating his muscles and the outline of his thick dick.

“I want you to get out of the shower and dry yourself.”

Jake followed the order with exasperation. Vars wasn’t exactly intimidating. Jake trusted him and knew nothing bad could possibly happen to him here, yet there was something about Vars’s dominating presence that had Jake wonder what would happen if he disobeyed.

“That’s… hot,” he uttered with a nervous laugh, but once he said that, he wasn’t sure if he wasn’t expected to stay quiet. A small smile stretching Vars’s lips resolved his doubts.

“You won’t even have the strength to say that once I’m done with you.”

Jake stared, unable to blink. There was no denying it anymore.

Vars was a god.

He hadn’t even done much yet, but Jake was already shivering with fear, arousal, and anticipation, all mixing inside of him as if his body were a blender. Which feeling was most prominent? He didn’t know.

He obediently dried himself with one of the towels placed on a shelf next to the shower and only approached Vars once he’d been called over with a gesture. With his muscles and insides in knots, he entered the playroom, which smelled of musk that likely originated from one of the two lit candles. He immediately noticed a bowl of water and a stool standing next to the cross, but he didn’t ask questions when Vars grabbed the back of his collar and led him there.

Nothing strictly sexual had happened so far, but Vars taking charge like this set off arousal in every part of Jake, making him rock-hard from the weight of Vars’s hand on his nape alone.

When Vars forced Jake to turn around and face him as he pressed Jake against the X-shaped cross, another shiver went down Jake’s body and all the way down to his stiff dick. Would Vars think he was an overly eager newbie, getting so hot and bothered already? He glanced down to the shiny leather of Vars’s new boots to avoid looking into his eyes, but the sight didn’t help curb his excitement.