He would most likely get arrested, but hearing Laurent moan in his arms would have been worth it. “The best sense. Anyone would be proud to be seen with you.”

The blush spilling on Laurent’s porcelain-hued face was like powdered rose petals mixed into milk. Beast was not the cheesy type, but Laurent’s stunning features begged for such ludicrous comparisons. But when Laurent glanced at yet another mirror in passing, Beast began to wonder if maybe Laurent hadn’t been aware of his own beauty at all. With that new knowledge setting in, Beast’s company might not be as attractive anymore to a young man who could have anyone he wanted.

“I can’t remember walking with so much lightness to my step.” Laurent turned around and continued on backwards, as if he didn’t want to miss Beast’s face when they talked. And Beast let him, intervening only when he noticed Laurent approaching a bench in the middle of the hallway. Using the opportunity given to him, he put his hand on Laurent’s shoulder and guided him gently as heat from the slim body that might have been created by an idealist sculptor streamed into his hand. Maybe he could turn this day into a date somehow? Nothing had changed in Laurent’s behavior toward him now that he could see the mess that was Beast’s face. Maybe in the community he’d grown up in looks were not as crucial in terms of attraction as they were in the real world?

“If you want, we could do something for fun after we’re done shopping.”

Laurent spun around to once again walk shoulder to shoulder with Beast. Though it was more like shoulder to arm, considering the height difference. And Beast liked that about Laurent too. For a man as strong as Beast, Laurent was so featherweight. He would be so easy to fuck against the wall, those long legs tightly wrapped around Beast’s hips. The river of filth going through Beast’s mind was changing into a flood by the minute. Oh, the things he could do to Laurent given half the chance… He wouldn’t let the boy out of his bed for weeks.

“That sounds marvelous! I would love to do lots of fun things.”

Beast weighed Laurent’s words in his head. Was the flamboyant use of words a sign that Laurent was gay? He knew all too well that theoretically it was impossible to tell, but… was it really?

“Anything you want to do first? Are you hungry?” Beast asked, never letting Laurent out of sight and already jealous of every pair of eyes that dared to look at him. If it wasn’t for Beast’s presence, he would likely have been pecked on already.

“Yes, please. I would like to eat, but… after shopping? I can read all the shampoos now. I would like to choose one that’s right for my hair.”

“Right. Yeah. And you wanted the cologne, and you will need a toothbrush and all that.” And Beast would buy condoms and lube. Just in case.

He was not a creep. He just wanted to be prepared.

“Yes, a toothbrush, definitely.” Laurent nodded eagerly and kept smiling like a maniac, which only made Beast think of a new toothbrush joining his in the cup in his bathroom.

But then Laurent stopped mid-stride, all but gluing himself to the shop window behind which a huge display of flat screen televisions played music videos.

Beast looked at the set in front of Laurent, which showed a vividly-colored clip starring one of the latest pop sensations. It depicted a party full of cotton candy-colored foam, with couples dancing, playing in the pool, and all the other images the entertainment industry pretended happened at all parties. He smiled, glancing at Laurent, who squinted, as if the intense colors were hurting his eyes.

“Where you’re from, you didn’t have television either?” he guessed, increasingly convinced that Laurent was truly lost and needed help. No one could feign naivety and lack of knowledge about the modern world so perfectly.

Laurent looked back at him in hesitation but shook his head in the end. “No. Nothing like it.” He stared at the televisions again, and Beast wondered about the bruises on Laurent’s neck and wrist. They’d annoyed him before, but now they were beginning to make ugly black rage overflow in him without an outlet. How could someone have hurt a boy this lovely? But he’d already learned pushing Laurent for too much information at once was no use. Soon enough, he’d get his hands on the person who did this, and there wouldn’t be much left for Hound to chew on after Beast was done.

Sooner though, Beast would get his hands on Laurent.

“Oh. Oh my,” Laurent whispered, turning Beast’s attention back to the screen where in the middle of the pool party two young guys were kissing. Drawn-on hearts flowed from their lips as the two actors pressed closer, their perfectly toned bodies shining with some sort of glitter.