“Let’s go, babe,” Knight put his arm over Jordan’s shoulders and pulled her away.

“Beast, how about Laurent talks to them?” Nao asked when the newly reconciled lovebirds disappeared from sight.

Everyone—including Laurent himself—stared at her as if she’d grown a pair of horns, but she grinned in acknowledgement. “I know, but hear me out. Jordan likely insulted them all if they’re leaving without a word. And Laurent might not be very good with microwaves, but he is super polite. Maybe it could work?”

Joker shrugged. “I’d pay to watch that.”

Laurent shifted his weight uncomfortably, and his whole soul screamed for him to run and hide, but there was no room for hysterics. He needed to prove himself useful if he was to earn the respect of the Kings of Hell.

“If only I was provided with more information, I would gladly attempt such a feat.”

Joker snorted. “Aw, man. He’s never gonna stop crackin’ me up.”

Beast looked at Laurent, raising his eyebrows, or rather, opening his eyes wider, because he had no hair above the eyes. Has it been burned away in the fire as well? “Are you sure?”

“Of course he is,” Nao said.

Five minutes later, armed with all the details on the issue that he could learn within a short time and all too aware of the eyes on his back following him from the window, Laurent made his way to the men in dirty, baggy clothes.

“Good morning, Mr. Maddock!” Laurent said with a wide smile that hopefully hid just how nervous he was. When travelling in time, couldn’t he had been given the average height of a 2017 man? Was that too much to ask?

The three men all looked his way, one even leaning out of the oversized car and watching him approach as if he were a curiosity brought in from faraway lands. Was there something non-contemporary about him after all? Could those men somehow sense it on him?

“That’s me,” the biggest of them all said. Bald, a little bit shorter than Beast, and with a belly unflatteringly hanging out of his jeans beneath the tight shirt, Mr. Maddock was a hulking presence in his own right. “What can I do for you?”

“I’ve been made aware that there has been a misunderstanding in relation to the roof repairs before, and I know how much it means for my friends for the construction works to be done on time. You see, in two weeks, there is a celebration to occur in that same room, which for safety reasons would be impossible, were the roof not repaired until then.” He swallowed when the men watched him with more attention. “So, as you can see, this issue is of utmost importance, and I’m sure the lady in question meant no disrespect.”

The three men looked at each other, and Laurent stiffened when he noticed one of them hide behind his fingers, as if suppressing laughter. Maddock cleared his throat, eventually looking Laurent’s way. “Um. I am sorry dear... sir, but said Lady insulted us.”

Laurent nodded quickly and touched Mr. Maddock’s arm for a second. “Yes, so I have heard. She’s had a tough time lately, and she acted out of line, but you have to see she does not represent us all. Not only am I authorised to offer a renegotiation of the financial terms, but I would also like to invite you back for some chili and cornbread to mend the damaged relationship between us. I have tried some just this morning, and it was heaven in my mouth.” He smiled widely, and the youngest of the builders laughed again.

“Oh, fuck… Maddock, I just can’t. He’s been authorised.”

Maddock gave a little bark, steadied himself, only to roar with laughter so powerfully he had a tear sliding down his cheek within seconds. “Oh, my Lord, this is hilarious! Where did they get you from, kid?”

Laurent didn’t let his smile falter. “I… I’m French.” Would that suffice?

“To be fair, he hasn’t offered us frogs or snails yet, so he is trying to integrate,” said the man who hadn’t voiced his opinion on the matter yet. “And I could eat some chili…”

Maddock sighed, watching Laurent with a slight squint. “Well, why not. You’ve got yourself a deal, kid,” he said, reaching out his hand to Laurent.

They squeezed hands, with Laurent still in disbelief and his heart beating hard. He’d managed not to mess up! And in an important matter at that! So he wasn’t useless in this new world after all. “Please join us then.” He pointed to the nearest door.

The men said they’d be upstairs as soon as they got some tools out, and Laurent walked back to the club common room with a sense of triumph. He was greeted with some pats on the back and relayed what happened quickly, but the one person he wanted to impress turned away as soon as Laurent smiled at him.