“You’re the one who is making it all about looks. And I think it’s because deep down that’s all you care about. You’ve known me for a day, and you want to bed me because of my pretty face. I was thinking today that there is much to admire in you, but I’ve met men like you before and now I see it. You leave no room for my hesitation. I take one step back and your fury knows no end. You think that just because you have means and position, I will yield to you. You know what? You can take these. I will not be bought.” Laurent took off the glasses and pushed them at Beast.

“Put them back on your fucking face,” growled Beast as anger reached the boiling point, about to spill out and turn everything to mush. “Take your stuff and get out of my sight.”

“Take this shackle off then!” Laurent pointed to his foot, but took back the glasses, which meant his grand gesture had been only for show. Of course, he was greedy to keep everything he got and give not even an inch in return.

Only then it hit Beast what the ‘shackle’ request meant. Laurent wanted to go farther than a mile away. And where the fuck would he go? He hadn’t even known what a car was until earlier today.

“I told you you’re only going once you talk—” He stumbled upon words when Laurent’s elbow slid over the handle, and the door to the secret room made a sound as if it were budging. “Get away from there. You are not allowed in that room. Ever,” Beast said with more aggression that it was strictly necessary. Before Laurent could ask him any questions of his own, he barked, “Until then, go to your room and don’t show me your face. I don’t wanna see it anymore!”

He couldn’t believe his hopes got shattered so ruthlessly. What had Laurent been thinking when he’d let Beast hug him? That they’d become platonic besties and exchange friendship bracelets? Beast was a man, and he would not be stuck in eternal blue ball hell. Given half the chance, he’d be fucking Laurent’s pert ass right now, and showing the dumb boy how good Beast’s cock could feel.

His loss.

Laurent gathered all his bags, the pretty face scrunched into a pout. “Fine!”

Beast faced away from him, trying to catch his breath, which was becoming increasingly difficult as his agitation grew. Each step, each sound of rustling plastic was like a pin pushed into Beast’s flesh. He couldn’t believe he let himself go like this. That he even for a moment believed a guy like Laurent could have even the slightest interest in him. This humiliation was punishment for listening to his dick.

Laurent ceremoniously walked off to the little corridor where all the other rooms were. Beast couldn’t believe he was now stuck with this boy in his apartment. Now Laurent would be shoving himself into Beast’s face every day until King was done with him.

The way the little bastard slammed the door was the last fucking straw.

“And stay there,” yelled Beast, rushing into the corridor and leaning closer to the hard wood. “You won’t leave this room until I say so!”

“I’ve got glasses, and hundreds of books here! I can stay here forever!” Laurent yelled back like the brat he was.

Beast smashed his fist against the door twice, until the bones in his hand ached so bad he needed to retreat. “You can fuck yourself. Ungrateful cunt.”

Beast’s mind tormented him with the happiness he could have experienced if only Laurent had been sweet and pliant like he’d been all day and invited Beast between his legs. Was that so much to ask? It would have been fun for Laurent too. And now he was imagining Laurent’s face flushed and sweaty, hair sticking to it, lips parting in ecstasy.

He hit the door once more for good measure and walked back to the living room. Hound gave a quiet whine, but Beast gestured for him to stay where he was.

His gaze trailed over the sofa and the single plastic bag that contained a T-shirt he’d bought for himself. It was also where he’d hidden the condoms and lube. Now he wanted to burn everything.

“Fuck,” he screamed out, pacing all around the room until his initial anger evaporated, leaving behind a burning emptiness that could not be filled. Just the day before, simply having a pretty boy around had seemed nice. But now that Beast knew for a fact that Laurent was gay, getting rejected on the first attempt to get laid in years made him want to go back to the sexless life where porn provided the only relief.

And to make matters worse, there was a knock on the main door to his apartment, invading his helpless solitude with cheerful noise. “Yo! Beast! Heard you came back.”