Laurent nodded, but by the way he took his time to process the words, Beast guessed he was really taking it in. “I once knew an incredibly handsome man. When you looked at his face, his beauty made you assume he was the perfect gentleman. But deep down, in his heart, he held evil you wouldn’t comprehend. People are wrong to judge you by your scars.”

Beast swallowed, watching Laurent with his pulse drumming in his temples and ears. He didn’t expect such understanding. He wasn’t the type of man who shared a lot, even with people he was close with, but Laurent was so otherworldly and different from everyone else Beast knew that it felt natural to speak frankly with him. “Was this the man who injured your wrist?” asked Beast softly.

Laurent backed away slightly, and Beast cursed himself for overstepping. Laurent clearly didn’t have amnesia. He was scared of someone, and Beast’s need to find out who it was drilled a hole in his stomach.

Laurent nodded and dove his chopsticks into the curry with his shoulders slouched. “Please don’t ask me about him. I don’t want to remember.”

It physically hurt Beast to see the sweet, smiling boy pull back into his shell, as if his fear was so great he wished to shrink until he became invisible.

Beast put his arm around him, and when Laurent leaned closer, Beast rubbed his cheek against the fine hair on top of Laurent’s head. For the first time in so many years, a man was not shying away from his touch. Laurent not only seemed eager for the physical contact but also openly declared that Beast’s looks didn’t matter. That obviously meant there was a chance for something to develop as long as Beast gave the boy enough breathing room. He would do so.

“How about we try the squid next?” he asked to distract Laurent from the painful memories.

Chapter 10 - Beast

Laurent turned out not to like fried squid at all, but beef wontons were a big hit with him. After the emotional moment, they talked while eating until the sun went down completely. Beast told him what a motorcycle was and promised to take him for a ride at some point. Yet another thing he hadn’t done with anyone for years, and already he was willing to take Laurent. Just the thought of Laurent spreading his legs over the bike and pressing his thighs against Beast’s had his blood pumping faster.

The closer they were to arriving back at the clubhouse, the more frantic with excitement Beast was getting. He wouldn’t show it to Laurent yet, because he didn’t want to get into some weird situation when they were in a public space and he couldn’t easily diffuse it. So Beast patiently waited for them to get back into the apartment.

At the clubhouse, everyone was back to their everyday business. He’d already received information about Davy’s prognosis being good earlier that day, but no one was in the mood for partying, even though the rubble that had fallen off the ceiling had been removed since the two of them left. The atmosphere was more sombre than usual, and despite some of the guys and hangarounds expressing curiosity in Laurent, introducing them was not on Beast’s agenda for the day. Especially not with the skinny jeans Laurent was wearing hugging his round ass so attractively. Beast would lay his claim first, and then introduce him, so that there were no doubts as to what Laurent’s position was.

“I didn’t even see there were numbers yesterday. I thought I’d press it and it would open,” Laurent admitted as he watched Beast use the number pad to unlock the apartment.

Beast let him in first to get another good look at the shape of his back and ass. Despite being small overall, Laurent had a nice width to his shoulders that gave his figure a masculine shape. Beast couldn’t wait to see him naked again.

He wasn’t sure how to act once the door locked and they were alone in the living room, but Hound saved the day, rushing from his bed and pushing his face against Beast’s knees in an affectionate greeting. Knight must have gotten him back here earlier.

Laurent was clearly uncomfortable with Beast’s pet, but after some coaxing, he sat on the floor and petted Hound for so long, the beast rolled on his back, wordlessly asking for belly rubs. Laurent gave a pleased laugh, and his brown eyes met Beast’s over Hound’s wiggling body, causing yet another wave of heat to flow through Beast’s entire chest.

Should he shower first after a whole day of being out and about? Then again, he wasn’t sure what the protocol of dating was wherever Laurent came from. Besides, wasn’t it better to make hay while sun shined?

“So, that was a nice day out, wasn’t it?” Beast asked once Hound got fed up with the attention and returned to his bed.