“He’s talking weird,” Knight said, even though it was his language that contained strange and unnatural words.

Beast’s mouth opened into a grin that had Laurent’s skin breaking out in goose bumps. “If he hit himself on the head so hard then there’s surely bruises on his head. Maybe we should shave his hair and look for them.”

Laurent went silent as the words sank in. His hair was still damp from the wash, and felt strange to the touch, but he would still not want to lose it. The long strands were one of the few things that he got to have a choice on, and having this freedom threatened had him wishing he could sink into the floor.

“No, please. You can just touch it, and you will sense the lump.”

Knight watched him in a strange silence, and Laurent’s stomach was twisting into intricate knots.

Beast scooted down and roughly dove his fingers into Laurent’s mane, making him stiffen when the digits pressed on the aching spot. Beast gave a low grunt.

“Do you even know where your parents live? Anyone we could contact?”

“It’s all a blur.”

“How old are you?” Knight asked.

“Nineteen,” Laurent said, but quickly looked up at Beast, hoping this would be his chance to find out how much time it would take him to complete his assignment here. “What about you, Mr. Beast?”

Nao laughed and got back up again. “Oh, he’s just precious.”

“Christ, drop the mister,” hissed Beast and whistled, which prompted Hound to finally get off Laurent and let him breathe again. “Makes me feel old.”

“But how old exactly? You can’t be forty, surely?” Laurent asked, knowing that when one suggested an age too advanced, the other person would most likely reveal their true years.

Nao shook her head. “God, you make him sound like a grandpa!”

“Beast will be thirty three by the end of August,” Knight said, finally providing some useful information. It was April now, according to the calendar, which meant that this torment would take about four more months.

Laurent swallowed, slowly sitting up. “I’m sorry… Beast. I’m sure there are still many happy years before you.”

Nao put a hand over her lips, stifling a laugh. “Okay, I’ll be going. I brought you some clothes, Laurent, and by the looks of it, you need them badly.”

She grinned and waved at them all before exiting the room and leaving Laurent with the two monstrously big men and an equally oversized dog. Once she was gone, Beast stepped back and gestured for Laurent to get to his feet. “Take off your shirt.”

Laurent stood up, but stepped back, looking between Beast and Knight. “I… I don’t need another bath.”

Knight cocked his head to the side. “Why do you want him to undress? I mean, I know why, but—”

Beast’s large body went rigid, and his face snapped in Knight’s direction. “There’s something I need you to see. Nothing more to it.”

Laurent sighed deeply, knowing there was no way out of this humiliating process. He pulled the oversized shirt from under the waistband and then over his head.

Knight snorted. “Oh, yeah. I see what you mean.”

Laurent pouted in frustration. Why didn’t he understand then if it was so obvious to his hosts?

The shirt barely came off when Beast caught him by the shoulders and twisted him around, lifting the damp hair off Laurent’s nape. A sudden realization came over him, and he stiffened, feeling the two pairs of eyes prod at the mark left behind by the devil. A deep shudder went through his body as fear took over. What if the presence of the brand made him a witch in their eyes?

“You see this?” Beast asked calmly, answered by a hum coming from Knight.

“It’s like your dad’s!”

Beast’s hands tightened over Laurent, and he exhaled heavily before letting him go. “But what can I do if he doesn’t remember, or at least says he doesn’t? I can’t exactly draw information out of him?”

Knight cleared his throat. “I bet Joker can.”

Laurent looked over his shoulder in panic, only to see Beast shake his head and Knight reach for Laurent’s nape.

“Whoa! Touch it! It’s like… hot.” Knight pulled on Beast’s hand and placed it on Laurent’s nape, as if Laurent were some freak of nature to be poked and prodded at. He hid his face in his hands and curled his shoulders.

He had no idea how his skin could be unnaturally warm if Beast’s fingers touching it seemed to leave scorching hot traces. His palm was huge, and it not only covered Laurent’s nape with ease but also spread to his shoulders. It was also rough, with an uneven surface and tiny bumps that rubbed against Laurent with the gentlest touch.

It was gone before he could get used to its presence.

Beast huffed loudly. “Look, there’s this, and he’s been kept somewhere by force. Someone hit him on the head and tried to choke him. It must be some kind of...” His voice trailed off into a whisper, and Laurent couldn’t catch the last words.