At least unlike King, Knight never made Beast feel any less worthy just because Beast’s skin was all fucked-up. No one would dare say it to Beast’s face, but between him and Knight—roguishly handsome and with long flawlessly-messy hair—he was definitely the ugly friend.

King gave a deep sigh. “We will have to make nominations and vote. I need a VP who can take the weight of responsibility the way Davy always did.”

The men around the table murmured their agreement. Joker even raised a glass of beer, though it was unsure whether he was toasting his approval of the vote or to Davy’s health.

Rev had a few sips of beer and tapped his thick, cigarette-yellowed fingers against the tabletop. “I think we need some young blood to assist you. Beast would make a fine second in command.”

Beast’s heart thumped, and he looked up, surprised that Rev would not want to step up himself. Then again, he’d always been the kind of man who preferred to be out of the spotlight. The sergeant-at-arms function was likely the height of his ambitions when it came to club hierarchy.

King went silent for once, and it gave enough time for Knight to but in. “Oh, man! So right.” He clinked his glass with Rev’s. “He always deals with shit when it hits the fan. He’s an obvious choice for VP. And he’s got no other position, so it’s not like we’d have to then fill another one.” The eagerness in his voice made Beast’s heart soar, but he kept his face straight, listening on. He didn’t want to get his hopes up like last time when he volunteered to become their road captain, only for King to push for Knight instead.

For as long as Beast could remember, his father never ever tried to elevate him or reward his sacrifices for the club. And the club was Beast’s entire life, even more so since the accident, and to see others climb the ranks while he remained unrecognized was like a slap to the face. Slowly, he raised his gaze to meet King’s blue eyes.

Joker shrugged. “Yeah, I vote for Beast too. Even tonight he went in and dealt with whatever stuff had to be done. And then he found the intruder as well. He’s the prime choice.”

King raised his hands. “We’re not voting yet. And Gray’s still on the run in New York, so how can we?”

Rev groaned and rolled his eyes. “He’s my son. I can text him. It’s not like it’s confidential information.”

Their latest member, Fox, gave a sharp nod. “That’s a good idea. I know Beast hasn’t officially occupied any of the other ranks—”

“But that’s long overdue anyway. He’s done all the things he could have, and he’s always done them excellently, even if he had no rank to his name,” Rev said, causing the room to go quiet as he pressed the buttons of his indestructible old Nokia.

Jake stepped out of his spot by the wall where he’d been standing straight as an arrow. “If I could just say, Beast dealt so efficiently with Gyro today.”

If glances could kill, Jake would be a pile of dust left behind by the scorching heat of King’s gaze. “Anyone asked you, Prospect?”

“I just thought it was worth mentioni—”

King slammed his fist against the table. “And I think you should shut the fuck up and go help with the rubble if you don’t know your place in a meeting. What part of ‘only a patch gets a voice’ don’t you understand? Dismissed.”

Prospect nodded, and his shoulders slumped. He muttered a ‘yes, sir’, and left the room quickly.

Beast licked his lips, feeling a flush crawl up his neck. “I would be honored to take Davy’s place,” he said in the end, knowing a declaration was expected of him. With King’s eyes drilling into him, he could not stop thinking of the intricate brand on the back of Laurent’s neck that caused an outburst of anger in King earlier. What was the significance of that symbol?

And why did King have the same one on his nape?

Rev’s phone buzzed, and he opened the message with a nod. “Gray says aye,” he said, showing the screen to everyone. The message contained only those three letters.

Beast swallowed, catching Knight’s gaze. His best friend grinned in encouragement, and Beast spoke. “I think that considering what happened to Davy, we should rethink the matter of the clubhouse. Some of you guys have kids, and they sometimes play in that room. What if a piece of the ceiling fell on Fox’s daughter?”

Fox frowned, leaning back in the chair, his face serious as if he were attending a funeral. That was exactly the reaction Beast wanted.

King’s face was stern. “Have we actually voted?”

Rev shook his head at King. “Who’s backing Beast becoming our VP?” He raised his hand, and all others around the table followed, filling Beast with such exhilaration he had to work hard on keeping it in.