In any other circumstances, Laurent would mentally support Jordan, but she was such a horrible human being overall that he ended up cheering for Jake, who’d get what he wanted later today.

Jake quickly took his leave while Jordan tapped her heels against the floor in helpless fury.

“I am so sick of the indignity of it all!” She pushed at Knight’s chest, and the way it didn’t seem to affect Knight at all reminded Laurent of the frustration he sometimes felt when arguing with Beast. “I am a fucking princess, and you treat me like dirt! I deserve so much better! You should be grateful that you have a girl like me, so unlike all the skanks that hang around here. And what do I get in return? You’re more interested in some great-great-great-great uncle of yours than your woman’s needs.”

Knight’s shoulders relaxed, but he squinted at her. “Did you just call my friends skanks? And call yourself a princess? Where are the cameras?” he asked, mockingly looking around. Fortunately, he wasn’t being truly inquisitive or he’d have spotted Laurent.

“Hell yes I did!” She raised her finger in the air with a snarl. “And you better stop disrespecting me if you ever want a taste of this again.” She pushed her breasts up with her hands in front of his face.

Knight stared at her. “Wow. You’re such a bitch. You’ve got a pretty face and gold jewelry that you bought on credit, and that makes you think you’re all that much better than everyone else here? Nao is a much better fuck than you. Maybe you should take some classes. You’re fucking welcome,” he said, stepping away before she could hit him with her tiny bag. “Tell me one thing that makes you oh-so-different from those other ‘skanks’ that I don’t consider just showing you out right this moment.”

“How can you say that? We’ve been through so much together, and now you’re like this? Deep down you know I’m much better than all those lowlives, but you’re just being nice.”

Laurent backed out behind the cupboard and put his face in his hands. He would never be free to leave here, and he most definitely didn’t want to listen to the embarrassing exchange.

Knight gave a loud sigh. “Yeah, and you’re disillusioning me every fucking day of the week. I have stuff to do beyond coddling you, and if you don’t want me fucking anyone else, you’re barking up the wrong tree. I told you that at the very beginning.”

There was a long silence. “Okay, Knight, sweetie, but if we’re to be together you’ve got to give me attention,” she said in the voice of a petulant child. “You can’t go off to look at some stupid skeleton with Beast when we were supposed to go on a date. Is he more important than me?”

“Listen, woman, those aren’t bones. Those are the remains of a man murdered by William Fane, if you even know in that tiny brain of yours who I’m talking about. If you can be two fucking hours late because you needed to change your fucking nails in the last minute, I’m gonna dig up a grave, and take fucking notes, and do with my brothers whatever the hell I choose too!”

This time, Knight sounded seriously angered.

“Fine!” she screeched. “You go jerk off with your buddies over William what’s-his-name, and I’ll go find myself another boyfriend. One who actually treats me right!”

“Perfect. Start getting on someone else’s nerves. I’m curious who you can get with that temper.”

“Anyone I want! You’re such a dick!”

By the sound of the heels clicking rapidly on the floor, Laurent figured Jordan really was leaving this time. Which was good because Knight usually followed her in such situations, and Laurent would finally be able to flee.

But the door slammed, and heavy footsteps were quickly moving toward the kitchen.

“Fucking cunt,” Knight muttered, “doesn’t even know who Fane is.”

Laurent curled his arms, trying to be as tiny as possible, and kept still when Knight’s long legs strolled to the fridge. He stopped in front of it, and Laurent felt the heat of his gaze.

“Fucking Christ. What are you doing here? Since when are you into listening to straight sex?” Still, Knight opened the fridge and pulled out a can of beer.

“I’m sorry! I wasn’t! I was getting cookies, and then it all escalated. I wanted to leave,” Laurent whined.

Knight sighed, leaning his back against the fridge and opened the can before taking several sips at once. “Can you believe her? Thinks she’s so much better than everyone else, and what can she do apart from doing her hair and makeup?”

Laurent took a deep breath and opened his packet of cookies in resignation. He’d been too afraid to have the wrapper crinkle loudly before. “A partner should provide something of value,” he mumbled, trying to figure out what he could possibly offer a man like Beast.