William made a small sound and gestured as if he intended to take the apple, but instead took hold of Laurent’s wrist and pulled on it. Laurent couldn’t even think anymore, but he wished so dearly that his eyesight were still good enough for him to watch William’s handsome face from up close. To be able to see the secret message undoubtedly hidden in his eyes. William’s healthy teeth crunched through the fruit’s skin, and he took a bite of the apple.

Laurent gasped, too stunned to do anything else. William Fane eating out of his hand? He wasn’t wrong about where this evening was leading to, was he? William took him to a secret room, one that contained only a bed and some storage. There was no other explanation for this turn of events. First, William would bite into the apple, then he would bite into Laurent’s lips.

“I like you so very much, William,” Laurent choked out, weak in the knees already.

William hummed and continued eating as his fingers moved lower—there was no other way to describe it—caressing Laurent’s arm. “I am loved by many.”

“But do those people have lips like mine?” Laurent whispered, with his heart in his throat, so terrified of rejection he could faint any moment.

William pressed his mouth to the side of Laurent’s hand, making him drop the core to the floor. “Certainly not, but I have not tasted yours yet,” he whispered, pulling Laurent closer as the incense, and the perfume, and the warmth of the fire made his head spin faster.

There was no need to ask William about his intentions. The cards were on the table, and while the game of seduction was still being played, the stakes were becoming at once both impossibly high and irrelevant.

Laurent gave half a second to throwing the bag with books to the bed and took the tiny step needed to have his lips connect to William’s. His indenture might not be over yet, but he had never felt as free in his life as he did in that moment.

William’s hands were surprisingly strong when they grasped Laurent’s shoulders, keeping him in place for William to ravage. His touch spoke of an unsatisfied hunger, and as his fingers wove themselves into Laurent’s hair, the moment felt almost too perfect. Laurent pushed closer to William, giving a sound he never heard himself utter before, broken yet lusty, and so sinful anyone who heard it would know he was engaged in illicit acts.

William’s warm tongue licked its way deep into his mouth, teasing him with a ferociousness he could hardly keep up with. His heart pounded with the ruthless desire of a beast, and he put his hands on William’s chest while trying to reciprocate the kiss with the same skill William was offering, but it was a losing battle. William’s tongue had ways of caressing Laurent’s cheeks from the inside that made Laurent’s toes curl in his boots and shivers go all the way down to his rapidly stiffening prick.

William pushed him away so suddenly Laurent lost his footing and sat on the bed, watching the magnificent lines of his host’s body move in the warm light of the fire. He pulled off his ivory and golden coat, placing it on top of the chest of drawers.

“I… I’ve never met a man who… you see, this is very new to me,” Laurent babbled, running hot and cold all over. Everything was happening so fast, and his mouth still tasted of the apple he’d given to William. Laurent would forever think of that kiss whenever he ate apple pie or even smelled it.

William’s mouth stretched into a smile, and he unbuttoned his waistcoat as well. “Would you take off my shoes, Laurent?” he asked, leaning against the wall.

Laurent swallowed, unsure what to make of the request. Was that something lovers did for each other? Would they be lovers?

“Y-yes. If that’s your wish.” Laurent got down to his knees, not in the least worried about staining his breeches when he was so excited about the glorious man towering over him.

He grabbed the bottom of the shoe and tugged, just firmly enough to take it off without causing discomfort. The stocking-clad foot trailed down his chest and almost touched him between his legs, as if this was yet another way to seduce him.

“I have wanted you in this room for quite some time now,” William whispered.

“You have?” Laurent asked, overwhelmed with feelings he couldn’t name when he pulled the other shoe off. “I have to confess to thinking about you many times as well. No one has ever talked to me the way you do. And when you were at the store as a customer, Mr. Barnave wouldn’t dare shoo me away to other tasks.”

William gave a short laugh. “Do you reckon he knows why I wanted you to spend the night?”